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词汇 personnel
例句 Service personnel are subject to the Official Secrets Act.军事人员要遵守《国家保密法》。She sobbed her story to court personnel.她向法庭人员哭诉她的遭遇。Issues relating to pay come under the personnel department.工资的有关事宜由人事部门负责。On no condition should untrained personnel use the equipment.未经训练的员工绝对不可使用这一设备。Several people have phoned the personnel department to inquire about the position.已有数人打电话到人事部询间这个职位的事。Enquiries about the post should be addressed in the first instance to the personnel manager.询问职位事宜应该首先咨询人事经理。The British Legion raises funds to help ex-service personnel and their dependants.英国退伍军人协会筹集资金帮助退伍军人及其家属。She is the head of personnel for the harbour authority.她是港务局的人事处长。All personnel were asked to participate.全体员工都被要求参加。The enthusiasm of its personnel is the essence and life of any enterprise.任何企业的要素和生命是全体人员的积极性。All personnel of the company are eligible for the retirement plan.公司所有员工都有资格参加这项退休计划。There has been very little renewal of personnel in higher education.从事高等教育的人员新老更替极其缓慢。Military personnel receive a month of paid vacation.军人有一个月的带薪假期。It can be very expensive to train new personnel.培训新员工会很费钱。It is highly probable that many of the Service's personnel were put off by such high-flown rhetoric.很可能该部门的许多工作人员都对这种华而不实的虚夸言辞感到反感。Talk to personnel if you have any questions about your health insurance.如果有关于健康保险的问题,请去咨询人事部门。They wanted to hack into the company's personnel files.他们想侵入该公司的员工档案。He chewed over a vexatious problem of personnel.他思考着伤脑筋的人事问题。Access is only given to authorized personnel.未经授权的人士不得进入。Many personnel managers started as secretaries or personnel assistants and worked their way up.很多人事经理最初是从秘书或人事助理做起,然后慢慢升上去的。Only authorized personnel have access to the computer system.只有经批准的员工才能使用电脑系统。I decided to run a check on all personnel.我决定对所有员工进行审查。The UN withdrew its relief personnel because it judged the situation too dangerous.联合国认为局势过于危险,因此撤出了救济人员。The personnel of the company has been increased.公司人员增加了。With so little experience, Paula is not really suited to the role of personnel director.葆拉经验不足,不是很适合当人力资源主管。The embassy has ordered the evacuation of all non-essential personnel.大使馆已经命令所有非必要人员撤离。The area was evacuated of all non-essential personnel.所有非必要人员均已从该地区撤出。Only authorized personnel can enter this area.只有得到授权的人员才能进人这一区域。The Army boys had personnel carriers blockading the cross streets.陆军士兵用运兵车封锁了十字路口。We have personnel and facilities for any emergencies.我们有应对任何突发事件的人员和设施。One of the problem areas is lax security for airport personnel.问题之一是对机场员工的安检措施马虎松懈。Security personnel refused to admit him or his wife.保安人员不准他或他妻子进去。The application should be kept in charge of the personnel office.申请表应存在人事室。The plane is used for transporting military personnel.这架飞机是用来运送军事人员的。The companies recruit mostly retired army personnel.这些公司主要招收退伍军人。This office has authority over personnel matters. 这个职务有人事权。They fell into that twilight zone between military personnel and civilian employees.他们成了介于军事人员与平民雇员之间的边缘人物。Other US military personnel echoed the sentiments of Captain Ryan.其他美国军方人士表达了和瑞安上尉同样的看法。At these conventions, executives fraternized with the key personnel of other banks.在这些集会上,主管们和其他银行的重要人员友善往来。The city personnel of hospitals rotate in teams in the rural areas.城市医院的医务工作人员分小队轮流在农村地区服务。




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