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词汇 performance
例句 The whole process is quite a performance.整个过程相当令人厌烦。Finney gives a virtuoso performance as a psychopath.芬尼扮演心理变态者达到了炉火纯青的地步。Her run put every other hurdler's performance in the shade.她的那一跑令其他跨栏运动员相形见绌。We need to improve on our performance against France.我们需要比对阵法国队时表现得更好。His humor added zest to the performance.他的幽默给这场演出增添了几分趣味。After his first performance all the newspapers chanted the praise of this new actor.首场演出之后,各报对这位新演员都大加赞扬。It was a performance that left him speechless with admiration.那次演奏让他惊叹得久久无语。Bette Midler came up with a typically raunchy performance that delighted the audience.贝特·米德勒作了一次大胆狂放的表演,令观众大为开怀。You always judge your own performance against that of others.你总是对照别人来评判自己的表现。Although a bit spotty, his performance on the court has been great so far.到目前为止,他在球场上的表现非常好,虽然有点不稳定。Comfort has been sacrificed for the sake of improved performance.为了提高性能而舍弃了舒适。The team's performance has been highly inconsistent this season.该队本赛季的发挥极不稳定。Her performance has taken the critics by storm.她的表演完全征服了评论界。His humor added a certain zest to the performance.他的幽默给这场演出增添了几分趣味。So far, her performance is full of bravado, but nothing substantial.到目前为止,她的表现显得太多虚张声势,但没有实质的内容。As the date of the performance neared, we grew more and more anxious.随着演出日的临近,我们越发焦虑起来。We need a big performance in Wales to psych up the players.我们需要在威尔士举行一场表演赛好让运动员热身。No one has ever equalled her performance as Juliet.说到饰演朱丽叶这一角色,无人能与她媲美。Yesterday's performance was a ripsnorter.昨天的演出真是呱呱叫。The report should give you a rough indication of the company's stock market performance over the past year.报告大概反映了公司过去一年里的股市表现。Her performance is just past its peak.她的表演已经过了巅峰期。Her performance sent a chill/shiver up/down my spine. 他的表演令我兴奋不已。Poor educational performance is related to emotional disturbance.学业成绩差与情绪失常有关。It was an outstanding performance by a talented young actor.这是一位很有天赋的年轻演员出色的表演。Your tickets will be held at the box office until one hour before the performance.售票处会将你的票保留到开演前一小时。Pay increases will now be linked to performance.今后加薪将与业绩挂钩。They turned out a quite creditable performance.他们上演了一场相当精彩的表演。The power of her performance was positively mind-blowing.她的表演力使人相当震撼。He coaxed a performance out of every one of his children.他哄得他的每个孩子都表演了一个节目。She felt impelled to give a speech after the performance.她觉得有必要在表演结束后讲一段话。We all clapped his performance enthusiastically.我们都为他的表演热烈鼓掌。But the performance benefit of compiled code is still important in this environment.但是这种环境中,编译的代码的性能优势仍然非常重要。The performance is expected to last for approximately 3 hours.这场演出估计约三小时左右。Keeping key players at peak performance can be a major challenge.让核心队员保持最佳表现可能会是一大挑战。The evening performance begins at 8 o'clock.晚上的演出八点开始。All these variables can affect a student's performance.所有这些可变因素都会影响学生的成绩。Her performance wowed the critics.她的表演让评论家们赞不绝口。Celia's performance was OK, but it had nothing on Kate's.西莉亚的表现还不错,但无法跟凯特相比。The audience was amused by the performance.观众被这个表演逗乐了。He turns in a delightfully camp performance.他献上了一段有些娘儿却也逗笑的表演。




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