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He gets a percentage for every car he sells.他每卖出一辆车都可得到一定提成。There is no percentage in worrying about it.为此担忧无济于事。The disease affects a greater percentage of men than women.这种疾病更多地是影响男性。It's a tiny percentage of the total income.这只是总收入的一小部分。It is expressed as a percentage.它是以百分比的形式表示的。What percentage of the national wealth is spent on health care?国家资金用在医疗保健上的比例是多少?What percentage of children were absent?缺席的学童占百分之几? What percentage of your income do you spend on rent?你的房租支出占你收入的多少?There was a percentage of truth in the statement.这一陈述有几分真实性。The results can be expressed as a percentage.各项结果可以用百分比来表示。She gets a percentage for every record sold.每卖出一张唱片她可得到一份提成。The percentage of girls in engineering has increased substantially.工科女生的比例已经大大增加了。Her policies are supported by a large part/portion/percentage of the population.她的政策获得了一大部分人的支持。A high percentage of the coffee they produce goes to the US.他们生产的咖啡大部分销往美国。What percentage of women return to work after having a baby?生完小孩后继续工作的女性占多大比例?Insurance contributions are paid at a fixed percentage rate on all earnings.按总收入的固定比率缴纳保险费。These bonuses will actually render back a certain percentage of money to their players.这些奖励实际上会把一部分钱返还给玩家。Interest rates fell by one percentage point.利率下降了一个百分点。Only a few vegetable-origin foods have such a high percentage of protein.只有几种蔬菜食品有如此高的蛋白质含量。Young women comprise a large percentage of our clients.我们的顾客中年轻女性占了很大比例。There's no percentage in working such long hours.这样加班加点地工作可没什么好处。The figures are expressed in terms of a percentage.那些数字是以百分数表示的。A fair percentage of their business comes from people using the airport.他们业务中有相当一部分来自使用机场的人。This survey shows the percentage of single-parent households in each area.这次调查显示了每个地区单亲家庭的比例。Give the answer in terms of a percentage.以百分数回答这个问题。What percentage of the population is literate?有读写能力的人口的百分比是多少?Only a small percentage of people are interested in politics.只有一小部分人对政治感兴趣。A large percentage of the population is illiterate.文盲人口占有相当高的比例。Each of them got a percentage of the profits.他们每个人都得到一部分利润。The percentage increase in reported crime in England and Wales this year is the highest since the war.今年英格兰和威尔士报道的犯罪增长率是战后以来最高的。What percentage of the adult male population is unemployed?成年男性中的失业比例是多少?There's no percentage in arguing with them. They'll never change their minds.和他们争论没用,他们绝不会改变想法。The percentage of women students at the university has increased steadily.大学里女生的百分比稳步上升。A small percentage reduction in the cost of materials would mean a significant increase in profit.材料成本的小幅降低会带来利润的大幅提高。There is no percentage in arguing with him.同他争论于事无补。This figure can be expressed as a percentage of the total.这一数字可以用总数的百分比表示。What percentage of the city's households live in poverty?这个城市里百分之多少的家庭生活在贫困之中?What is the percentage of nitrogen in air?空气中氮占百分之几? Only a small percentage of African American employees were considered for promotion.只有一小部分非洲裔美国人获考虑晋升。A big percentage of the farmers stood to benefit by the redistribution.大部分农民会因为再分配而得益。 |