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词汇 pennies
例句 Please give me ten pennies for this tenpence piece.请替我把这十便士换成十个一便士硬币。When we were first married we had to pinch pennies just to get by.我们刚结婚时不得不精打细算才得以勉强维持生计。What we need now is pennies from heaven.我们现在需要的是意外之财。I keep pennies and other small coins in a jar.我把便士和其他小硬币放在一个罐子里。I've only got a few pennies left.我只剩了几个一便士硬币。He had saved up a jarful of old pennies.他积攒了一罐一便士的旧硬币。The company was forced to sell assets and pinch pennies wherever possible.这家公司被迫卖掉资产并且尽量精打细算。We must pinch pennies to make ends meet.我们一定要精打细算,以求收支平衡。We'll have to spend money when necessary. Don't try to pinch pennies all the time.该花钱时我们还是得花。别总是精打细算。He pinched pennies to live on his small paycheck.他省吃俭用,靠低薪水维持生计。She lived on a shoestring during these years, eking out the pennies as best she could.这些年她就靠一点点钱生活,因此花钱尽量精打细算。We got the car for just pennies. 我们买这辆车只花了一小笔钱。




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