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词汇 docked
例句 A worker was docked sick pay for playing golf while on sick leave.一名工人因在病假中去打高尔夫球而被扣去病假工资。The dog's tail had been docked.那条狗的尾巴已被截短。He was docked a point penalty for smashing a ball in anger at a linesman.他因发怒朝边线裁判员扔球而被罚掉一分。When the ship docked at Southampton its cargo was immediately inspected.轮船在南安普敦靠岸以后,船上的货物立即接受了检查。My pay isn't much to take home once it has had tax docked off.我的工资一旦扣除税款,拿回家的就不多了。We docked our boat and went ashore to visit the island.我们把船泊在码头,上岸到岛上去玩儿。The two modules docked in outer space.那两个航天舱在外层空间对接。The puppy's tail was docked.小狗的尾巴被剪短了。They docked the craft alongside the space station.他们让宇宙飞船与空间站对接。The child's parents docked him of television privileges.那孩子的家长不许他看电视。The aircraft carrier has been docked there since last month.自上个月以来那艘航空母舰就一直停靠在那儿。The unmanned spacecraft docked automatically yesterday with an orbiting space station.那个无人驾驶宇宙飞行器昨天与一个沿轨道运行的航天站自动对接。At dusk they docked at the port of Monaco.黄昏的时候他们在摩纳哥港靠岸。They docked his wages for arriving at work two hours late.因为上班迟到两小时,他们扣了他的工资。The sailors docked the ship.水手们将船停靠在码头。He looked on while the ship docked.船靠码头的时候,他在旁边看着。The ship was docked at Seattle.船停靠在西雅图。We docked at Rangoon the next morning.第二天早晨我们在仰光停靠码头。After the ship docked, they unloaded its cargo.船靠岸后,他们卸了货。Russian commanders docked a huge aircraft carrier in a Russian port.俄罗斯指挥官指挥一艘巨型航空母舰驶入一个俄罗斯港口。We weren't allowed to disembark until an hour after the ship had docked.我们在轮船停靠码头一小时后才可以下船。The boss docked a third of my wages.老板扣掉我三分之一薪资。They have docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station.他们已经将一个自动操作舱与沿轨道运行的空间站并行对接上了。Her boss docked her pay/wages for coming in late.因为迟到,老板扣了她的工钱/工资。The company docked the men's wages if they came late to work.工人如果上班迟到,公司就扣他们的工资。The vessel docked at Liverpool.船停靠在利物浦。They docked a third of his wages.他们扣掉了他三分之一的工资。They docked the spaceship with the satellite.他们将宇宙飞船与人造卫星对接。The handheld PC can be docked into/with your desktop computer.这台便携式电脑可以和你的台式电脑相连接。The ship was docked at Liverpool.船停靠在利物浦。The aircraft carrier docked for repairs.航空母舰停在干船坞里等待维修。We finally docked in Portland, Maine, happy to be on dry land again.我们终于在缅因州的波特兰靠岸,真高兴又回到了陆地上。The ship was docked for repairs in a Russian port.船停在一个俄罗斯港口的干船坞等待维修。




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