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词汇 dock
例句 Several ships are standing idle in the port as the dock strike continues.因为码头罢工仍在继续,几艘船闲置在港口。I saw a person standing on the dock.我看到一个人站在码头上。He tied the boat to the dock.他把船系在码头上。The ship sailed into the dock to refit/to be refitted.轮船驶入船坞进行整修。Tanned workmen were sitting around the dock.皮肤晒得黑黝黝的工人们围坐在码头上。Fleshy dock leaves were soothing for nettle stings.肉质的酸模叶对荨麻扎伤有舒缓作用。The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.卡车驶离装货月台时塑料水龙带还连在上面。He had a house there and a dock and a little aluminium boat.他在那里有一座房子、一个码头和一艘小铝船。The crowd waved bon voyage as the ship left the dock.当船驶离码头时,人们挥手告别。They disembarked the cargo at the dock.他们把货物卸在码头上。The defendant seemed nervous as he left the dock and stepped up to the witness box.被告人在离开被告席走向证人席时似乎有些紧张。We watched the ferry dock.我们看着渡船停靠码头。The company has threatened to dock the officers' pay.公司威胁说要扣那几名高级职员的薪水。We will dock tonight and put out to sea tomorrow.我们今晚停靠码头,明天出海。A bus shuttled people from the parking lot to the dock.公共汽车载着人们在停车场和码头间往返。The vessels disburdened at the dock.船在码头卸了货。You have put an innocent man in the dock.你把一个无辜的人送上了被告席。The defendant stood in the dock.被告站在被告席上。It used to be fashionable to dock horses' tails.以前曾经流行把马的尾巴剪短。Users can dock a laptop to their desktop setup.用户可以把手提计算机与台式机系统连接。To dock points would be wrong.扣分的判罚是错误的。The ship will be built onshore in dry dock.那条船将在陆上的干船坞建造。The former dock area is ripe for development.这片从前的码头地区可以开发了。The wrong criminal is in the dock either because a genuine mistake has been made or because evidence has been suppressed.冤案错案的出现,要么是因为确实弄错了,要么是因为证据被隐瞒。The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station.亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机计划与俄国和平号空间站对接。The boat pulled up alongside the dock.那条船在码头旁停靠。What about the odd chance that you do put an innocent man in the dock?若是你真的把一个无辜的人送上被告席了呢?He is in the dock, accused of murder.他被控犯有谋杀罪而受审。He used to work on the dock, but now he has an inside job.他过去在码头上工作,现在搞内勤了。Passengers were standing on the dock, waiting to board.乘客们站在码头上等待上船。The shipment of tools arrived at the dock in cargo containers yesterday.昨日,用货物集装箱装载的工具运抵码头。These chemicals remain in the dock until we have more scientific evidence.在我们获得更多的科学依据之前,这些化学物仍要受怀疑。The boat was moored alongside the dock.这条船系泊在码头边上。Bring the boat alongside the dock.把这条船靠在船坞边上。A couple of coils of rope still lay on the dock.两卷绳索仍躺在码头上。He sat in the dock making copious notes.他坐在被告席上做了翔实的记录。The ship came broadside to the dock.船以舷侧靠向码头。The ship is in dock for repairs.轮船在船坞维修。The loading dock has a ramp.货运码头有一个坡道装置。After lashing the boat to the dock, we ran for shelter from the storm.我们把船拴在码头上,然后跑去找地方避雨。




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