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词汇 bad habits
例句 His influence got me into bad habits.他的影响使我染上了恶习。We must uproot our bad habits.我们必须彻底去掉我们的坏习惯。He fell/got into some bad habits after graduating from college.大学毕业后他染上了一些坏习惯。He was shamed out of his bad habits.他因感到难为情而改掉了坏习惯。If you harp on about their bad habits too long, the kids will just stop listening.如果你对小孩的坏习惯唠叨个没完,他们就会听不进去。Parents try to cure their children of bad habits.父母总是试图改正孩子们的坏习惯。Jane said she would take her husband back if he promised to give up bad habits.简说如果她丈夫保证戒除恶习,她就让他回来。He relapsed into his old bad habits.他又染上了旧有的恶习。I hope you didn't pick up bad habits.我希望你没有沾染上坏习惯。After a while her old bad habits began to assert themselves.过了一阵子,她那些旧有的坏习惯又开始发作了。She hoped to grow out of her bad habits.她希望长大后自己的坏习惯就会改掉了。Lay by the bad habits and turn over a new leaf.勤劳除恶习,重新开始。My wife cured me of most of my bad habits.我妻子改掉了我大部分的坏习惯。In his childhood,he lapsed into some bad habits.在童年时,他不慎养成了一些坏习惯。His bad habits began to resurface.他的坏习惯又冒了出来。He has reformed his bad habits.他已改变了他的坏习惯。He resolved to combat with his bad habits.他决意与自己的坏习惯搏斗。He had slid into bad habits.他不知不觉地染上了坏习惯。It is hard to unlearn bad habits.改掉坏习惯不是件容易的事。The tutor hopes that he will pull up his bad habits in his study.老师希望他纠正学习上的不良习惯。He's been picking up some bad habits from his friends.他不经意地染上了朋友身上的一些坏习惯。They slipped back into bad habits.他们又重新染上了恶习。His influence got me into bad habits.我受他的影响染上了坏习惯。




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