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词汇 peeked
例句 We tip-toed into the room and peeked in the crib without waking the baby.我们蹑手蹑脚地走进房间,窥视了一眼婴儿床,没有把宝宝吵醒。Paula opened the box and peeked inside.葆拉打开盒子匆匆往里看了一眼。The child peeked through a crack in the door.这个孩子透过门缝偷看。The moon peeked out from behind the clouds.月亮从云层后面露出了脸。The children peeked over the wall to see where the ball had gone.孩子们爬上墙头看球被踢到哪里去了。The little girl peeked at me from behind her grandmother's skirt.小女孩从她祖母的裙子后面偷偷地看着我。He peeked out from behind the door.他从门后面偷看。We peeked through a chink in the fence.我们从围栏的缝隙中窥视。Her slip peeked out from beneath her skirt. 她的衬裙从裙子下微微露出来一点。She opened the door and peeked inside.她打开门,偷偷往里看。She cracked open the door and peeked into the room.她打开一条门缝,向房间内窥视。She peeked at the clock to see the time.她偷看了一下时钟上的时间。Parker's socks were so full of holes that his toes peeked through.帕克的袜子上全是洞,脚趾都露出来了。On two occasions she had peeked at him through a crack in the wall.她曾两次透过墙缝窥视他。Shafts of sunlight peeked through the trees.一束束阳光穿过树林照射进来。He peeked carefully from behind the door.他从门背后小心翼翼地向外窥视。A sliver of light peeked through the curtains.一丝亮光透过窗帘照了进来。A little girl peeked around the corner of the chair at him.一个小女孩躲在椅子角处偷看他。I raised the lid and peeked inside.我揭开盖子往里窥探。I peeked out the window to see who was there.我偷偷向窗外望去,想看看谁在那里。Daniel peeked cautiously over his shoulder.丹尼尔小心翼翼地转过头偷看了一下。I peeked through the open door.我偷偷朝开着的门里瞥了一眼。Eileen stood on tiptoe and peeked over the counter.艾琳踮着脚尖,往柜台后面瞥了一眼。His toes peeked through the hole on his shoes.他的脚趾从鞋上的破洞里露出来。She stopped for a moment and peeked into the window.她停了一下,偷偷朝窗户里看。He opened the door slightly and peeked out.他把门打开一条缝,朝外偷偷张望了一下。Carefully he peeked through the glass window in the door.他小心翼翼地透过门上的玻璃窗窥视了一下。She peeked ahead to the next chapter to see what happened next.她提前瞄了一眼下一章的故事。I lifted the cover of the box and peeked inside.我揭开盒盖偷看里面有什么。She peeked at him through a crack in the wall.她透过墙上的裂缝偷窥他。She peeked through a hole in the fence.她透过篱笆墙的洞偷看。Daniel peeked through the window cautiously.丹尼尔小心翼翼地从窗户瞥了一眼。




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