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词汇 pears
例句 Slice the pears in half lengthways.把这些梨纵向切成两半。These pears have a sweet, juicy flesh.这些梨的果肉香甜多汁。The trees in your garden may have covered the ground with apples, pears or plums.你花园里的果树也许已经落了一地的苹果、梨或李子。Do you like pears poached in red wine?你喜欢吃红葡萄酒煮的梨吗?These pears are still too firm to eat.这些梨还太硬,没法吃。We had pears steeped in red wine for dessert.我们的餐后甜点是红酒浸梨。He shook some pears down from the tree.他从树上摇落一些梨子。This orchard yields apples and pears.这座果园出产苹果和梨。Oranges, apples, pears, and bananas are all types of fruit.橘子、苹果、梨和香蕉都是水果。Peel and core the pears before cooking them.煮梨前先削皮去核。The pears are badly specked.这些梨子有很多斑点。Use firm, ripe pears, not ones that have gone mushy.用坚实成熟的梨子,不要用烂熟的那种。A few pears remain on the trees.树上尚留有几颗梨子。The trees in your garden may have covered the ground with apples, pears, or plums.你花园里的果树也许已经落了一地的苹果、梨或李子。You can graft pears on to may trees.你可将梨树嫁接在山楂树上。Apples, pears and cherries can be pruned back when they've lost their leaves.苹果树、梨树和樱桃树在落叶后便可修剪。




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