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例句 I recalled Mr Starke's kind parting words.我想起了斯塔克先生离别时亲切的话语。Spain has recalled its Ambassador after a row over refugees seeking asylum at the embassy.在对难民到使馆寻求庇护一事产生严重分歧后,西班牙召回了其大使。Lou recalled his idyllic camping trips to Maine as a child.卢回想起小时候去缅因州的几次美好的露营之旅。The car was recalled for possible safety defects.因存在安全隐患,汽车被厂方召回。Mzukwa grew quiet as he recalled the brutality and sadism of the prison guards.迈朱克瓦回想起狱警的残暴和虐待狂便沉默下来。Spain recalled its ambassador after a row over refugees.在一场有关难民的争论后,西班牙召回了本国大使。The company has voluntarily recalled the product to check for defects.该公司主动召回产品检查缺陷。He was recalled to active duty in the Royal Navy.他被召回英国皇家海军服现役。Henderson recalled that he first met Pollard during a business trip to Washington.亨德森记起他第一次见到波拉德是在一次去华盛顿出差的时候。He recalled his fellow traveller with pleasure.他愉快地回忆起他的旅伴。The US ambassador was recalled to Washington in protest.美国把大使召回华盛顿以示抗议。Ruby recalled getting stoned during her misspent youth.鲁比还记得,在虚度光阴的少女时代她曾经因为吸食毒品而飘飘欲仙。When costs soared, the studio took fright and recalled the company from Rome.开支猛涨,电影制作公司惊恐之余从罗马召回了那批人员。The sound of my name recalled me to myself.听见有人叫我名字,我才清醒过来。Parliament was hastily recalled from recess.休会的议员被匆匆召回议事。I recalled the way they had been dancing together.我回忆起他们一起跳舞时的情景。He recalled a powwow they had in the corridor.他想起了他们曾在走廊开过的一次碰头会。The ambassador was recalled from abroad.大使被从国外召回。Two embassy employees had been quietly recalled because of spying allegations.大使馆的两名雇员由于面临间谍指控已被悄悄召回。The auto-makers recalled a lot of cars that were unsafe.汽车制造商召回许多不安全的车辆。The cars had to be recalled due to an engine fault.由于发动机有缺陷,汽车必须收回。There was a slight tremble in her voice as she recalled her husband.她回忆丈夫时声音微微发颤。Cole was recalled to the squad to replace the injured Quinn.科尔被召回队里代替受伤的奎因。I recalled all that Ray had told me.我回想起了雷告诉我的全部事情。He laughingly recalled his friends in college.他愉快地回忆起大学时代的朋友。Dean Richards was recalled to the England squad for the match with Wales.迪安·理查兹被召回英格兰队参加对阵威尔士的比赛。With a pang she recalled the last time she had seen him.她痛苦地回忆起最后一次见到他的情景。The government recalled the soldiers to active duty. = The soldiers were recalled to active duty.政府召回那些士兵服现役。He recalled her still face and the hurt in her eyes when he had refused her help.他还记得自己拒绝了她的帮助时,她那张毫无表情的脸和受伤的眼神。She bit her lip as she recalled the words he'd thrown at her.回想起他扔给自己的那些话,她咬了咬嘴唇。She recalled how she would go for walks along the beach late at night.她想起深夜在海边漫步的情形。The judge was unwilling that the witness be recalled.法官不同意召回证人。The old woman recalled her girlhood with pleasure.老妇人津津有味地回忆自己的童年。Officials recalled two tons of contaminated meat today.今天,官员们召回了两吨受污染的肉。The company recalled thousands of jars of baby food after a salmonella scare.由于沙门氏菌污染引起恐慌,该公司收回了几千罐婴儿食品。She recalled the halcyon days of her youth.她回想起年轻时的美好时光。It was not long ere a call came from the house and recalled me from my reflections.不久,家里打来了电话,把我从沉思中唤醒。I had done enough after being recalled against Pakistan to have got on the tour to India.在被征召入队参加与巴基斯坦的比赛后,我为前往印度的行程做了充分准备。The Ambassador was recalled from Washington.大使被从华盛顿召回。He recalled the indignity of being handcuffed and searched.他回想起被戴上手铐搜身的屈辱经历。




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