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You should be thinking in terms of paying off your debts.你应该考虑偿还债务了。The company was accused of paying off its employees to keep them from talking about its illegal activities.公司被指控买通员工,使他们不谈论公司的非法行为。She's already cut down on going out and buying clothes, but she doesn't have enough money to start paying off her debts.她已经减少了出去约会和买衣服的花费,但还是不够钱还债。We've been slowly paying off our mortgage and building up equity in our house.我们一直在慢慢还清抵押贷款,增加房产净值。It's been a struggle paying off all our debts, but I think at last we're getting there.要把所有的债都还清是件费劲的事,但我想我们终于要成功了。The authorities believe those security measures are already paying off.当局相信那些安全措施已经奏效。We think she may have been paying off a blackmailer.我们认为对敲诈者她一直都是给钱了事。Kenya was still paying off a multimillion-dollar loan to the IMF.肯尼亚还在偿还国际货币基金组织的一笔数百万美元的贷款。Three years later, he is still paying off his debts.三年后,他仍然在偿还债务。The anti-drugs campaign is paying off.抵制毒品的运动正在奏效。Many financial planners now recommend against ever fully paying off your home loan.现在许多理财专家不建议人们把住房贷款全部还清。So far it looks like Warner Brothers' gamble is paying off.目前看来,华纳兄弟公司这一赌注下对了。She finally ended months of worry over her credit card debt when she finished paying off her bill.付清账单后,她终于一扫数月以来对她的信用卡欠款的担忧。 |