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词汇 Bad
例句 Bad weather led to the cancellation of most flights out of Chicago's O'Hare Airport.恶劣的天气致使芝加哥奥黑尔机场大部分航班被取消。Bad weather is expected to lift demand for grains.预计坏天气会提高对谷物的需求。Bad weather delayed our arrival.恶劣的天气延误了我们到达的时间。Bad weather scotched our holiday plans.坏天气使我们的度假计划落了空。Bad weather can upset even the best-laid travel plans.如果天气不好,旅行计划安排得再好也会被打乱。Bad dog! What are you doing there?可恶的狗,你在那儿干什么 ?Bad decision-making was their downfall.决策失误是他们失败的原因。Bad weather forced us to postpone Friday's game.恶劣的天气迫使我们推迟了星期五的比赛。Bad salesmanship was responsible for the party's defeat.游说不力是该党失败的原因。Bad spellers have a weak visual memory.拼写常出错的人视觉记忆能力差。Bad stitching denotes a poor quality carpet.针脚不好表示地毯的质量很差。Bad weather brought chaos to the road and railway networks.恶劣的天气导致了公路和铁路网的混乱。Bad reviews can be the kiss of death for a new movie.负面的影评会毁了一部新影片。Bad diet is closely connected with many common illnesses.不良饮食习惯同很多常见疾病紧密相关。Bad weather is hindering the search for survivors.恶劣的天气阻碍着对幸存者的搜寻工作。Bad customs and laws ought to be abolished.不良的习俗和法规应予以废除。Bad diction marred the effectiveness of his speech.措词不当影响了他演说的效果。Bad debts are continuing to gnaw away at the bank's profits.坏账继续吞噬着银行利润。Bad language before the watershed is widely resented.在成人节目时间之前出现的脏话深为众人憎恶。Bad weather could hamper our search efforts. = Bad weather could hamper us in our search efforts.恶劣天气会阻碍我们的搜救工作。Bad farming impoverishes good soil.耕作不善会使沃土贫瘠。Bad driving is not just the preserve of boy racers.不良驾驶不仅仅是飙车小子们才会做的事。Bad weather and car trouble conspired to ruin our vacation.坏天气和汽车故障凑在一起毁了我们的休假。Bad exam results put paid to his hopes of a university place.糟糕的考试成绩让他进大学的希望破灭了。Bad weather was the reason given for the band's no-show.乐队没来,所给出的理由是天气恶劣。Bad rheumatoid arthritis deforms limbs.严重的类风湿性关节炎会造成四肢变形。Bad books will taint the young mind.坏书会毒害年轻人的思想。Bad weather was the main drawback to camping in the north.恶劣天气是在北方宿营的主要不利条件。Bad weather is likely, so please wear walking boots and a cagoule.天气很可能要变坏,请穿上靴子和雨衣。Bad weather has prevented progress on retrieving the plane from the sea.恶劣的天气妨碍了从海中打捞那架飞机的进程。Oh what a shame. Bad luck Chris.啊呀,很遗憾,是运气不好,克里斯。Bad manners often reflect on one's parents.粗野无礼常给做父母的丢脸。Bad deeds, as well as good, may rebound upon the doer.善有善报,恶有恶报。Bad weather has decimated the national herd.恶劣的天气使得国内动物种群大批死亡。Bad luck, Paul. I'm sure you'll pass next time.是运气不好,保罗,我相信下一次你一定能通过。Bad weather set us back by about three weeks.恶劣天气耽误了我们约三个星期。Bad weather sank their plans for a picnic.糟糕的天气让他们的野餐计划泡汤了。Bad company may corrupt a good boy.交坏朋友会使好孩子堕落。Bad things happen to the best of us.我们当中最优秀的人也会碰上倒霉的时候。Bad weather severely hampered the emergency services.恶劣的天气严重妨碍了紧急救援服务。




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