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词汇 patriotism
例句 He is unashamed of his patriotism.他对自己的爱国精神感到问心无愧。Anna's patriotism was profound.安娜有强烈的爱国心。He was able to manipulate their slavish willingness to serve in the name of patriotism.他借着爱国的名义利用他们的奴性让他们为他服务。His war experiences imbued in him a strong sense of patriotism.他的战争经历使他具有一种强烈的爱国意识。His speech was a demonstration of his patriotism.他的演讲是他一片爱国心的证明。The crowd irrupted in a fervour of patriotism.集会群众迸发出一股爱国主义激情。We live in an age when patriotism is often sneered at.我们生活在一个爱国主义常常被嗤之以鼻的时代。His war experiences imbued him with a strong sense of patriotism.他的战争经历使他具有一种强烈的爱国意识。His opponents cast aspersions on his patriotism.反对者诋毁他的爱国精神。One of McCarthy's most evil tactics was to question the patriotism of his opponents.麦卡锡最恶毒的策略之一就是对反对者的爱国心表示怀疑。His warped sense of patriotism caused him to see enemies everywhere.他那偏执的爱国主义意识使他感到草木皆兵,处处是敌。Sometimes his head gets a little hot with the fumes of patriotism.有时他因爱国主义激情而变得头脑有点发热。She is to this day unabashed in her patriotism.她到现在还敢于表达自己的爱国主义立场。A deep sense of patriotism had been implanted in him by his father.他父亲向他灌输了强烈的爱国主义意识。He was imbued with a strong sense of patriotism. 他具有强烈的爱国意识。They supported the war with a fierce patriotism.他们以强烈的爱国心支持战争。The trade union movement was swept along by the same tidal wave of patriotism which affected the country as a whole.这场波及全国的爱国热潮还对那场工会运动起到了推波助澜的作用。He is instinct with patriotism.他充满爱国热情。Governments often invoke patriotism to enforce conformity.政府往往利用爱国主义来实现步调一致。The soccer fans indulged their patriotism, waving flags and singing songs.足球迷们摇着旗唱着歌,纵情抒发他们的爱国热情。The statue symbolizes patriotism, progress and peace.这尊雕像象征著爱国、进步与和平。You may not agree with him politically, but no one can question his patriotism.你也许在政治上不赞成他,但是没有人能怀疑他的爱国之心。This novel was filled with evocations of national pride and patriotism.这本小说充满着唤起民族自豪感和爱国主义的力量。He says that dying for your country is the ultimate act of patriotism.他说为国捐躯是最高境界的爱国主义行为。He was a country boy who had joined the army out of a sense of patriotism and adventure.他是个乡下小伙儿,参军是出于爱国之心和冒险精神。He is the embodiment of patriotism.他是爱国主义的化身。He was borne up by patriotism and determination.爱国热情和决心激励着他。They did evil under the veil of patriotism.他们在爱国主义的幌子下作恶。The president has appealed to the Brazilian people for patriotism and community spirit.总统已经呼吁巴西人民要有爱国情怀和集体主义精神。He was prompted by patriotism.他为爱国心所激励。




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