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词汇 patient
例句 The patient's vital signs were normal.患者的生命体征正常。The patient became increasingly disoriented as the illness progressed.随着病情的不断加重,患者越来越无所适从。The doctor took entire credit for his patient's recovery.医生把病人的康复完全看作自己的功劳。The patient is still experiencing some discomfort.病人仍感到有些不舒服。He was a fine person to work with and he was very equable and a patient man.他是个非常平和而且有耐心的人,和他一起工作很愉快。Before an operation the patient will be asked to sign a consent form.手术前患者将被要求在同意书上签字。The patient required immediate medical treatment.患者需要立即接受药物治疗。The drug has the beneficial side effect of lowering the patient's blood pressure.这种药有降低病人血压的良性副作用。But skeptics worry that costs may be trimmed at the expense of the patient.但是持怀疑态度的人担心费用的削减会以牺牲病人的利益为代价。The doctor gave the patient specific instructions on how to care for the wound.医生就如何护理伤口给了病人明确的指导。The patient was rolled into the emergency room.病人被推进急诊室。The disease remains active throughout the patient's life.那种病困扰了病人的一生。The patient was acutely ill.病人病得很严重I can be very patient, and then I can burst if my nerves are worn out.我很有耐心,可如果我的承受力到了极限,我就撑不住了。For three days the patient lay in a twilight of fever.病人发烧整整三天,一直迷迷糊糊。The patient received no physical examination and no follow-up.没有人给这个病人做检查,也没有随访。Once the patient was fully anesthetized, the surgeon made a small incision in his chest.病人一旦完全麻醉后,外科医生就在他胸部切开一个小口。The patient had regressed to a state of childish dependency.病人退回到像小孩一样依赖他人。She is a teacher than whom no one is more patient.她是个比谁都耐心的老师。I'm a patient of Dr Stephens; please could I make an appointment to see her?我是斯蒂芬斯医生的病人,请问我能不能预约一下看病时间?The patient should be able to regain full mobility.这位病人应该能够恢复正常的活动能力。The patient had received a heart transplant.该病人接受了心脏移植。The patient was put on a drip after her operation.那个病人动过手术后就打点滴。You need to be patient, self-reliant, industrious and strong.你需要耐心、自立、勤奋,并有强健的体魄。The patient has been experiencing pain in her left shoulder.那位患者一直感觉左肩疼痛。The medicine seems to have made the patient worse.这种药似乎使病人的病情恶化了。The patient could only consume liquids.这病人只能吃流质。The hospital has begun computerizing patient records.这家医院已开始用计算机保存病历。The virus will incubate in the body for several days before the patient experiences any symptoms.在病人出现任何症状之前,这种病毒会在人体内潜伏几天。Keep the patient horizontal with the feet slightly raised.让病人平躺,双脚略微抬高。A patient going through acute detox will have an assigned nurse nearby.接受急性脱瘾治疗的病人身边会有一名指派的护士看护。The teacher treated her students in a patient and understanding way.那位女老师对待她的学生有耐心,并且能够理解他们。A doctor who had treated an Ebola patient may have been symptomatic when he boarded the plane. 一位曾治疗过埃博拉患者的医生在登机时可能已显露症状。The patient was wheeled into the operating room.病人被推进了手术室。Do you think the patient will be up and around soon?你看这病人会很快起床走动吗?The doctor is dieting his patient strictly.医生严格规定病人的饮食。The infection is usually non-fatal if the patient gets treatment right away.如果能立刻得到治疗,这种感染不会致命。The patient was said to be in a satisfactory condition.据说病人的情况很好。The carer will have to do all the work: placing the patient on the seat, strapping him in, taking him off again at the top.护工将要全程照顾:将病人抱到座位上,替他系好安全带,到顶层后再将他抱下来。The patient had a setback in her recovery.病在她康复过程中发生了反复。




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