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She tucked into a breakfast of bacon and eggs.她大口地吃着咸肉和鸡蛋作成的早餐。Who brings up the baby and who brings home the bacon?是谁抚养孩子的,是谁赚钱养家的?Do you think this bacon will keep till tomorrow?你说这块熏猪肉能放到明天吗?As it was a cold morning, she stoked up on bacon, eggs, and beans on toast.由于早上很冷,她饱餐了一顿,吃的是咸肉、鸡蛋和豆烤面包。I can't sit around all day - someone's got to bring home the bacon.我不能整天坐着无所事事——家里总得有个养家糊口的人。His action plan saved our bacon.他的行动计划救了我们。She brewed up some coffee while I cooked the bacon and eggs.我在做培根和鸡蛋时,她煮了点咖啡。Go easy on salty foods such as bacon.熏猪肉等咸的食物不要吃得太多。This bacon smells a bit funny - do you think it's gone off?这熏猪肉闻起来有点怪怪的——你觉得它是不是变质了?Voters are interested in the representative's ability to bring home the bacon.选民对代表实现目标的能力感兴趣。I'm very partial to bacon and eggs.我非常喜欢吃熏肉和鸡蛋。Cook the bacon until it begins to crisp.把熏肉烤到松脆为止。Just whack the bacon under the grill for a couple of minutes.就把熏肉放在烤架下烤几分钟。The bacon has passed its sell-by day.熏咸肉已经过了保质期。Len recited the breakfast menu – cereal, bacon and eggs, and toast.莱恩报出早餐菜单 — 谷物食品、熏猪肉煎蛋和烤面包片。I saved my bacon by arriving just in time for the meeting.我准时到会,总算没受到责备。We ate bacon and eggs for breakfast.我们早餐吃了培根和鸡蛋。Would you like a bit of bacon with your eggs?你的蛋里要加一点熏猪肉吗?They ordered porridge, kippers, eggs, and bacon – the works.他们要了粥、熏鲱鱼、鸡蛋和熏肉,什么都有。We fortified ourselves with a breakfast of bacon and eggs.我们给自己补充能量,早餐吃了培根和鸡蛋。This bacon is too salty for me.这种咸猪肉对我来说太咸了。I bought four rashers of bacon for tea.我买了四片熏肉作茶点。He worked hard all week to bring home the bacon for his family.为了赚钱养家他一周都在辛苦工作。You really saved my bacon by helping out yesterday.你昨天真是帮助我脱险了。The bacon should be crisp and brown.熏肉应该是松脆且为棕黄色的。Everyone I know likes the smell of bacon - even Mike does and he's a vegetarian.我认识的所有人都喜欢熏肉的味道——即使迈克都不例外,他可是个素食主义者呀。That bacon sandwich really hit the spot!那个熏肉三明治正是我想要的!I'll have two rashers of bacon and a fried egg.我要两片熏肉和一个煎蛋。When you cook bacon, the grease spatters everywhere.烹煮咸肉时油脂四处飞溅。Shallow-fry the fish/bacon.把鱼/熏肉用少量的油煎一下。He forked some bacon into his mouth.他叉了几片培根送入嘴里。I'll grill the bacon rather than fry it.我会炙烤培根,而不是油煎。Fry the bacon until crisp.把熏肉煎至酥脆。I will be most upset if this book does not bring home the bacon.我就不信这本书不畅销。In a large sauté pan, cook the bacon until crisp.用一只大煎锅将熏猪肉煎脆。I cram egg, toast, bacon, and fried potatoes into my mouth, swilling it all down with coffee.我把鸡蛋、吐司、熏肉和炸土豆塞进嘴里,用咖啡把它们一股脑儿顺下去。Your mother once saved my bacon. She lent me money when I needed it.你母亲帮过我一次大忙,在我需要的时候借过钱给我。I heard the sizzle of frying bacon.我听到了煎咸肉的咝咝声。The smell of that bacon cooking is making my mouth water.熏肉的香味令我垂涎欲滴。We had bacon and eggs for breakfast.我们早饭吃熏肉和蛋。 |