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例句 Parts of the shop were very dirty, unhygienic, and an ideal breeding ground for bacteria.店里的一些地方十分肮脏不洁,简直就是滋生细菌的理想温床。Parts of the South were hit hard by the storm.美国南方部分地区受到了暴风雨的袭击。Parts of the forest are still dense and inaccessible.森林的一些部分仍然很茂密,人迹罕至。Parts of the old treaty are embodied in the new one.旧条约的部分内容已收入新条约。Parts of Lisa's story sounded outlandish, and no one would believe her.莉萨的叙述中有些内容听起来很离奇,没人会相信她。Parts of the floor of the car had simply rusted away.汽车底盘的一部分已经锈光了。Parts of his book deal with contemporary Paris.他的书有些部分涉及当代巴黎。Parts of the house were badly burned in the fire.房屋在火灾中多处严重受损。Parts of this town are soil for crime.这个城市某几个区是犯罪的温床。Parts of the satellite crashed into the sea.卫星的有些部分坠入了大海。Parts of the document are ambiguous and in need of clarification.文件中有些部分意思含糊,需要加以阐明。Parts of the administration may be changing but others have been obdurate defenders of the status quo.政府的一些部门可能正在作出改变,但是其他部门却执意维护现状。Parts of the movie were accurate, but much of it was invention.这部电影的部分内容是真实的,但大部分还是虚构的。What follows is John's story. Parts of it may seem distasteful, even shocking.下面是约翰的故事,其中有些部分也许令人不快,甚至令人震惊。Parts of the building are still burning.大楼的有些地方仍在燃烧。Parts of the road had been washed away by streams, but it was negotiable.部分路段已被河水冲毁,但仍可通过。Parts for the aircraft will be made all round the world.这架飞机的部件将在世界各地制造。Parts in the play were assigned to each student.剧中的角色都分配给了每个学生。Parts of the harbour wall collapsed, causing serious flooding in the town.港口岸壁有些地方倒塌,造成镇上洪水严重泛滥。Shakespeare's Henry VI, Parts I, II, and III莎士比亚《亨利六世》的第一、第二和第三部Parts of the book are interesting.这本书有几部分很有意思。Parts of this school are in desperate need of repair.这所学校的一些地方急需维修。Parts of the Northeast were hit hard by the storm.美国东北部的部分地区遭到暴风雨袭击。Parts of Glasgow are on a par with the worst areas of London and Liverpool for burglaries.格拉斯哥部分地区的入室盗窃案与伦敦、利物浦最乱的地区一样猖狂。Parts of California are suffering from an infestation of oriental fruit flies.加利福尼亚的部分地区正遭受东方果蝇的大肆侵袭。Parts of the city that had been ghettoized are now being restored.这座城市曾经的部分贫民区现正在进行修复。Parts of the motor wore out because of constant usage.发动机的一些部件因为经常使用而磨损了。Parts of the old brick walls had crumbled to the ground.部分旧砖墙已经损坏,坍塌在地。Parts of Britain are suffering water shortages after the unusually dry summer.过了这个异常干旱的夏季,英国部分地区闹了水荒。Parts of the mountainous region in the north of the country have still not been mapped.人们还未为这个国家北部的部分山区绘制地图。Parts of the country have had power cuts because of the storms.这个国家的部分地区由于暴风雨而停电了。Parts of the movie really tickled my funny bone.这部电影里的有些情节真让我忍俊不禁。Parts are clamped in place with a special machine.部件由专门的机器固定住了。Parts of the play were extremely funny. I enjoyed it immensely.这出戏有些部分十分有趣,我非常喜欢。Parts of the North were hit hard by the storm.美国北方部分地区遭到了暴风雨袭击。




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