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词汇 Parisian
例句 French boutiques sell the latest Parisian fashions.法国的精品服饰店出售最新款巴黎时装。The Parisian shops have things to tempt even the strongest of wills.巴黎的商店里所销售的东西,即使是意志最坚强的人也难抵诱惑。Parisian taxi drivers are threatening to mount a blockade to turn the screw on the government.巴黎出租车司机们正威胁阻塞交通以对政府进一步施压。A French version of Absolutely Fabulous has been torn apart by Parisian critics.法国版情景喜剧《荒唐阿姨》被巴黎的批评家们批得一无是处。He quickly made a name for himself in the Parisian art world.他很快就在巴黎的美术界闯出了名气。She bought a dress patterned upon a Parisian model.她买了一件仿照巴黎流行式样而做的衣服。The Cité De Science is a futuristic complex in the Parisian outskirts.科学城是巴黎市郊一幢未来主义风格的综合性建筑。He's a Parisian born and bred.他是土生土长的巴黎人。For months Malcolm had wanted to visit the Parisian art museums.几个月来马尔科姆一直想参观巴黎的艺术博物馆。She's got that Parisian chic.她有那种巴黎式的时髦。Picasso's first exhibition received only a short mention in an obscure Parisian newspaper.对于毕加索的第一次画展,只有巴黎一家名不见经传的报纸作了简短的报道。The flower of Parisian high society attended the violin recital.巴黎上流社会的精英出席了那次小提琴独奏会。




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