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词汇 in danger of
例句 Suddenly, with war on the horizon, the army seemed in danger of disintegration.随着战争即将爆发,军队似乎突然面临分崩离析的危险。The company is on the ropes and in danger of closing.公司处境艰难,有倒闭的危险。These animals are in danger of becoming extinct. = They are in danger of extinction.这些动物都有灭绝的危险。Many schools were in danger of closing because the children were bused out to other neighborhoods.很多学校面临倒闭的危险,因为学生被校车送到其他社区就读了。The country is very unstable and the government is constantly in danger of being overthrown.该国很不稳定,政府随时有被推翻的危险。The wild population of koalas is in danger of dying out.野生树袋熊濒临灭绝的危险。The children were in danger of being trampled underfoot in the crowd.孩子们在人群里有被踩踏的危险。If found guilty, she is in danger of losing her liberty.如果被判有罪,她将有可能失去自由。The forest has been so heavily logged that it is in danger of disappearing.这片森林被过度砍伐,面临消失的危险。The plant is now in danger of extinction.这种植物现在有灭绝的危险。Champions can raise/lift their game when they're in danger of losing.冠军选手能在快要输时发挥得更好。The whole building is in danger of collapsing.整幢大楼都有倒塌的危险。Those languages are in danger of dying off.那些语言正处于消亡的危险之中。The bridge is in danger of collapse.这座桥有倒塌的危险。Buddhism was in danger of fragmenting into small sects.佛教当时面临分裂成为一些小教派的危险。The country's currency is in danger of collapse.这个国家的货币面临暴跌的危险。They were more in danger of having their pockets picked than being shot at.比起遭到枪击,他们被人扒窃的危险更大。The house is in danger of being washed out to sea. 这幢房子有被巨浪掀进海里的危险。The Democrats are now in danger of giving the whole election away.现在民主党处境不利,有可能会输掉这次大选。The water level had risen so much that her barge had been in danger of being marooned on the towpath.水位已涨得很高,她的驳船随时会困在拉船道上。He was in danger of making a real cock-up of this.他很有可能会把这事弄得一团糟。Many of these people are in danger of having their utilities shut off for nonpayment. 这些人当中有很多因为未缴费用而面临公用服务中断的危险。The party is in danger of being defeated in the next election.该党面临下次大选时被击败的危险。He is in danger of losing his job if he goes on like this.他再这样下去会丢掉工作的。This country is in danger of allowing its industrial base to wither away.这个国家正面临着工业基础萎缩的危险。Many species of animals are in danger of dying out.许多动物种类都处于濒临灭绝的危险中。There are plenty of warning signs that the company is in danger of bankruptcy.很多预警征兆表明公司面临破产的危险。The economy is in danger of collapse unless far-reaching reforms are implemented.如果不实施深化改革,经济就面临崩溃的危险。The city was in danger of losing its identity.这座城市面临着失去自身特色的危险。The plane seemed in danger of overshooting the runway.飞机看来有滑出跑道的危险。The bridge was in danger of collapsing.这座桥有坍塌的危险。Stock traders who ignore these signs are in danger of being caught napping when a recession hits.当经济衰退到来时,那些对此类迹象掉以轻心的证券商就可能会被弄得措手不及。Some churches are in danger of closing because there are too few priests.因为牧师太少,有些教堂面临着关闭的危险。The Democrats are in danger of alienating their traditional supporters.民主党人士有疏远历来的拥护者的危险。The country's economy is in danger of falling apart.该国经济面临崩溃。He has been listening to his own propaganda for so long that he is in danger of believing it.他一直在听自己的宣传,听得久了连自己都差点儿信以为真了。The necklace was in danger of being seized as war loot.这条项链在战争中有被强行夺走的危险。If the team doesn't start winning, Coach Sanders could be in danger of losing his job.如果该球队还不获胜,桑德斯教练就有丢掉工作的危险。Some of the children were in danger of starvation.这些儿童中的一些人面临着挨饿的危险。Suddenly, with war on the horizon, the army seemed in danger of disintegration.忽然间,随着战争的临近,军队似乎面临着瓦解的危险。




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