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Loan companies prey on weak families already in debt.信贷公司专对那些已经负债的弱势家庭下手。He was heavily in debt by the time he sought advice.他寻求建议时已经负债累累。The club is in debt while others are queueing to cherry-pick their best players.别的俱乐部在排队竞相挑选最佳球员,而这家俱乐部却是债务缠身。Wasteful people usually end up in debt.挥霍浪费者最后往往负债。Companies that overreach themselves soon find themselves in debt.好高骛远的公司很快就会债务缠身。He was deep in debt and facing forfeiture of his property.他负债累累,面临财产被没收的窘境。They found themselves deep in debt. 他们发现自己债台高筑。He was already in debt through gambling losses.由于赌博老是输钱,他已处于欠债状态。Her spending without restraint ran him heavily in debt.她的挥霍无度使他负债累累。When my father died we discovered that he was heavily in debt.父亲死后,我们发现他负债累累。Bad management will land the company in debt.经营不善会使公司负债。She's up to her eyeballs in debt.她深陷于债务之中。His father killed himself after getting deeply in debt to a loan-shark.他父亲因为欠了一个放高利贷的人一身的债务,后来自杀身亡了。He is out of a job and up to his eyeballs in debt.他失业了,而且债台高筑。Percy is heavily in debt to the bank.珀西欠了银行很多债。He is in debt to the automobile dealer for his car.他因买汽车而欠了汽车商一笔债。Stop spending so fast,or you'll fetch us up in debt.停止这样挥霍浪费,不然你要使我们负债的。The country is drowning in debt.这个国家负债累累。He was already deeply in debt through gambling losses.他原就已经因为赌博输钱负债累累了。Smith is already something like $10,000 in debt.史密斯已欠了约莫一万美元的债务。He was desperate. He was in debt up to his ears.他负债累累,走投无路。The country is already heavily in debt to foreign banks.该国已欠下了外国银行大笔的债务。The survey claims loan companies prey on weak families already in debt.这项调查声称信贷公司专对那些已经负债的弱势家庭下手。They are perennially in debt.他们常年债台高筑。Even when in debt, he continued to enjoy an extravagant lifestyle.即使有债务缠身,他还是继续过着奢侈的生活。A disastrous attempt to expand left the airline deep in debt.这家航空公司试图扩展业务但未能成功,以致债台高筑。I'm afraid I don't have much sympathy for people who spend more than they can afford and then find themselves in debt.有些人花钱不量入为出,结果欠了一身的债,这样的人我一点也不同情他们。The board has so misconducted the affairs of the company that it's deep in debt.由于董事会对公司管理不善,公司负债累累。They're up to their eyes in debt.他们债务缠身。He was a congenital liar and usually in debt.他生性爱说谎,老是债务缠身。I knew my father would be angry if he knew I was in debt, and I weighed my words carefully before asking him for money.我知道我父亲要是知道我欠债了准会生气,所以在向他要钱时我仔细斟酌了词句。Being in debt has been a source of strain on our marriage.负债累累是我们夫妻关系紧张的一个原因。These measures won't help those students who are already knee-deep in debt.这些措施对那些已经负债累累的学生不会有帮助。He's probably up to his neck in debt.他大概债台高筑了。The company was in debt but is now turning a profit.这家公司曾经负债,但现在赢利了。It is not surprising the company's in debt ——it's been completely mismanaged.这家公司欠了债是不足为奇的 ——它早就被经营得一团糟。Because of her medical and her legal bills, she is now penniless and deeply in debt.因为高额的医疗和诉讼费用,她现在已是身无分文,债务缠身。You will end up in debt if you keep on spending money like that.你要是老这样花钱,总有一天要负债。People are winding up in debt.人们正陷入债务之中。Nearly half the students said they were in debt.近一半的学生说自己负有债务。 |