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词汇 pardon
例句 I beg your pardon, pray continue.抱歉,请继续。I trust that a promise of unconditional pardon shall embolden you to speak the truth.我相信,如我给你无条件赦免的承诺,应可以赋予你勇气说真话。I beg your pardon, I didn't catch that.请再说一遍,我没听清楚。The governor will not pardon your crime.州长不会赦免你的罪行。Oh, I beg your pardon, I didn't realize this was your chair.哦,对不起,我不知道这是您的椅子。I beg your pardon? I hope you're not implying that I lied!我没听错吧?我希望你不是在暗示我撒谎了!The new government is to grant a free pardon to all political prisoners.新政府将颁布特赦令赦免所有政治犯。She asked for a pardon for her crime.她请求赦免她的罪行。Bentley's relatives are demanding a posthumous pardon from the government.本特利的亲属要求政府准予死后特赦。The governor granted him a pardon.州长准予赦免他。I beg your pardon, that was rude of me.对不起,我那样做很粗鲁。When you first told me your plan, I thought you were, pardon the expression, crazy.请原谅我这么说,你最初告诉我你的计划时,我觉得你疯了。I went to Winchester House for dinner, and craved his Lordship's pardon.我去了温彻斯特屋吃饭,并恳求爵爷的宽恕。You've just stepped on my foot! I beg your pardon.你刚才踩了我的脚!请原谅。After the climb we were absolutely knackered, if you'll pardon the expression.请原谅我这么说,爬山后我们都累垮了。Beg pardon, but have you seen my pen?请问,你看见我的钢笔吗? I ask your pardon if I speak bluntly.如果我讲话有冒犯之处,请你原谅。We must pardon him his little faults.我们必须宽恕他的一些小过失。I do beg your pardon, I didn't realize you were in here.太抱歉了,我没注意到你在这里。He begged her pardon for arriving too late.他到得太晚,请求她原谅。His family and supporters have campaigned for many years for a posthumous pardon.他的家人和支持者为争取其获得身后赦免而开展了多年的运动。She received a presidential/royal pardon. 她受到总统/皇室赦免。Saying excuse me, pardon me, Seaton pushed his way into the crowded living room.西顿一边说对不起、借过,一边挤过人群进入拥挤的客厅。The government offered a free pardon to the rebels.政府给予叛乱分子特赦。It's enough to make you wet yourself, if you'll pardon the expression.这足以吓得你尿裤子了,请原谅我这么说。I'll give him a good scolding and bring him over to beg pardon.我要狠狠教训他一顿,并要他过来求饶。He had actively sought a pardon from the president.他积极寻求总统的赦免。I crave your pardon.我请求您宽恕。Walter begged her pardon for all the pain he had caused her.沃尔特请求她原谅自己给她造成那么多痛苦。She wrote to the Queen asking for a pardon for her son.她写信给女王,请求赦免她儿子。I beg your pardon, I didn't realize you were in here.对不起,我不知道你在这里。"Women tend to be fairly useless drivers, anyway." "I beg your pardon!"“无论怎么说,女人开车十有八九都不行。”“恕我不敢苟同!”They petitioned for pardon.他们请愿要求赦免。The President rejected the prisoner's plea for pardon.总统驳回了该犯的赦免呼吁。I hope you can pardon his badness and let him start all over again.希望您能原谅他的不好,让他从新开始。The prisoner's plea for pardon was rejected.该犯的赦免请求被驳回了。The king issued a general pardon to all those involved in the rebellion.国王对所有参与叛乱的人发出了大赦。He could never pardon her for the things she had said.他永远不会原谅她说的话。I do beg your pardon for the mess I've made.我把事情搞得一团糟,一定得请您原谅。The president used his executive discretion to pardon the two men.总统行使自己的行政酌处权赦免了这两个人。




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