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George stopped the engine and got out of the car.乔治关掉引擎下了车。The society's assured choice for the chairmanship is George.社团确定的主席人选是乔治。Uncle George's new car is really sharp.乔治叔叔的新车实在设计优美。George said no more until their final parting.直到最后分手,乔治都没再说什么。I had a telephone call from George this morning.今天早上我接到乔治打来的一个电话。George's comments were an indirect way of blaming me.乔治的评论转弯抹角地指责了我。You have to take your hat off to Uncle George, for he knows how to do business.你必须向乔治叔叔脱帽致敬,他懂得如何做生意。I beat you again, George. You must be slipping!我又赢你了,乔治。你肯定是水平下降了!Oh, George, have you seen this?嗨,乔治,你看见过这个吗? I mean what I say, by George I do!我说话是算数的,决非说说而已。Our teacher is very down on George. She is always punishing him.我们的老师特别同乔治过不去,老是罚他。George knew about the letter and acted accordingly.乔治知道那封信的情况并采取了相应的行动。It is ludicrous that papers relating to the illness of George III should remain locked up.有关乔治三世病情的文件居然秘而不发实在是荒唐可笑。Now and then I could just make out George's voice above the music.我只是偶尔能从音乐声中隐约听到乔治的声音。He was called George after his father.他叫乔治,与其父同名。Why is everyone so upset? Has George been throwing his weight around again?为什么大家都不开心了?乔治又对他们呼来喝去了吗?George was in no mood to be sociable.乔治没心情去应酬。Tell George my parents ask about him.转告乔治家父母问他好。He spelled down George in the contest.他在拼写比赛中胜过乔治。The centre was bought with money donated by former Beatle, George Harrison.这个中心是用前披头士乐队歌手乔治・哈里森捐的钱买下的。George I and George II were Germans by birth.乔治一世和乔治二世是德国血统。George kept a bottle of whiskey under his bed.乔治把一瓶威士忌放在床底下。He was physician to George Washington.他是乔治・华盛顿的医生。I enjoy playing chess, but when I tried playing against George, I knew right away that I was out of my league. 我喜欢下国际象棋,但当我和乔治对弈时,我立刻认识到自己不是他的对手。George zapped through his homework and rushed out to play basketball.乔治匆匆做完作业,然后冲出去踢足球了。I wanted to get George away from the others so I could talk to him alone.我想把乔治从其他人那里弄走,以便跟他单独谈话。They moved George to another prison.他们把乔治转移到另一座监狱去。George was a fitter at the shipyard.乔治在造船厂做钳工。George, with his dark hair and blue eyes, made an impression on almost everyone he met.乔治有一头黑发、一双蓝眼睛,给遇到他的几乎每个人都留下了很好的印象。I'll explain everything to George. I wouldn't want him to get the wrong idea.我会向乔治解释一切。我不想让他产生误解。George is not always honest, as I discovered to my cost.乔治并不总是诚实的,我可吃过苦头。They had an argument and George flipped out.他们争论起来,乔治有些激动。George, despite his great height and gangling walk, was a keen dancer.乔治尽管长得过高,走路姿势难看,但却热衷于跳舞。George was a widower with six young children.乔治是个带著六个小孩子的鳏夫。George was having his breakfast when the phone rang.乔治正在吃早餐时电话铃响了。England under the dispensation of George V乔治五世统治下的英格兰He'd tried to buy the film rights to all of George Bernard Shaw's plays.他曾尝试买下萧伯纳所有戏剧的电影改编权。George decided it was such a rare car that he would only use it for a few shows.乔治认为这辆车非常稀罕,所以他只会拿它展示很少的几次。Early retirement beckoned for George.乔治可能会提早退休。When George inherited some money, the first thing he did was to pay his creditors.乔治继承了一笔钱后,他做的第一件事就是还钱给债主。 |