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词汇 pancake
例句 The hungry man caught at the pancake and began to eat.那个饿汉连忙伸手接过煎饼吃了起来。 The land in that area is as flat as a pancake.那个地区地势平坦如砥。Spread some of the filling over each pancake.在每张薄饼上都抹些馅。The sea by then was as flat as a pancake.大海当时风平浪静。Do you want a sweet pancake or a savoury one?你想吃甜的薄煎饼还是咸的?The tire was flat as a pancake.这个轮胎一点气都没有了。He ordered a pancake and coffee and then toast, as an afterthought.他要了一客薄煎饼和咖啡,最后又要了烤面包。The land there is as flat as a pancake.那里的地势非常平坦。I turned the pancake so that it would cook on the other side.我把烙饼翻过来,好烤另一面。My home state of Illinois is flat as a pancake.我的家乡伊利诺伊州地势极为平坦。I started with the Viennese speciality frittatensuppe, or pancake soup.我吃的第一道菜是维也纳特色菜鸡蛋饼汤,也叫炒饼汤。Spread some of the filling over each pancake.在每个薄煎饼上摊上一些馅。Mum tried to toss the pancake but unfortunately it missed the pan and hit the floor.母亲想抛起薄煎饼,可惜饼没掉进平底锅里却落在地上。She wore sequins, false eyelashes, and pancake onstage.她穿着饰有亮片的服装,戴着假睫毛,抹了化妆湿粉上台。Strew sugar over each pancake.在每个薄煎饼上撒上糖。




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