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词汇 painting
例句 Do you know her painting/writing/work?你了解她的绘画/作品/工作吗?That painting is growing on me.那幅画越来越让我喜欢。The painting will go to the highest bidder.这幅画将卖给出价最高的竞买人。The painting was a very clever forgery.这幅画是件很巧妙的赝品。I bought a reproduction of a famous painting for my room.我买了一幅名画的复制品来装饰房间。You can see that the painting was a rush job.可以看得出来这幅画是仓促之作。The dark-coloured frame shows off the painting well.深色的画框把那幅画衬托得很醒目。The painting was sold to a private collector.那幅画卖给了一位私人收藏家。His most famous painting portrayed the death of Nelson.他最著名的画作表现了纳尔逊之死。It is mere surmise that Bosch had Brant's poem in mind when doing this painting.认为博斯在画这幅画时脑子里想着布兰特的诗,这仅仅是猜测而已。This Picasso painting will be the centrepiece when the museum opens.博物馆开馆时,毕加索的这幅画将成为焦点。He is the bowler-hatted figure in the foreground of Orpen's famous painting.他是奥彭那幅名画中位于前景的戴圆顶硬礼帽的那个人物。The house was considerably out of repair and badly in need of painting.这房子严重失修,急需上油漆。He studied oil painting in college.他在大学里学习油画。The painting represents a storm at sea.这幅画描绘的是一场海上风暴。By the time we'd finished painting the boat, it looked as good as new.等到我们把船漆好了,船看上去就像新的一样。They paid a king's ransom for the painting.他们为这幅画付了一大笔钱。The children were employed in painting.孩子们忙于画画儿。The cover shows a detail from a Victorian painting.封面是一幅维多利亚时代绘画的局部。He challenged the conventions of painting.他挑战绘画的传统手法。In the painting, St George stands triumphant over the dragon.在这幅作品中,圣乔治战胜了龙而显得得意扬扬。The National Gallery loaned out the painting to another museum.国家美术馆把这幅画借给了另外一个博物馆。Gauguin, by contrast, was determined to liberate painting.相比之下,高更的画旨在突破传统的束缚。I bought this painting for a song.我以低价买了这幅画。This painting points to another recurring theme in Munch's work.这幅画体现了蒙克作品中另一个常见的主题。Even a expert would find it hard to distinguish between the original painting and the copy.甚至专家也难以辨认出原画作与仿制品。The damage is very slight and in no way reduces the value of the painting.损坏十分轻微,根本不会降低画的价值。We really need to crack on with this painting.我们真的需要赶紧把这幅画完成。The painting makes a strong/clear statement.这幅画表现出了明确观点。Rub the table down with a fine abrasive paper before painting it.油漆前,先用细砂纸把桌子打磨平整。The room is ready for painting.可以给房间刷涂料了。In spite of some immaturity in the figure drawing and painting, it showed real imagination.尽管这幅画的人物勾勒和着色略显稚嫩,但它却表现出了真正的想象力。She set them to work painting the fence.她安排他们油漆栅栏。His painting/style is very derivative.他的油画/风格有很重的模仿痕迹。That painting must be worth a lot of money.那幅画一定很值钱。I was introduced to painting in college.我在大学初次接触到了绘画。The painting went to the highest bidder.这幅油画被出价最高的人买下。The craftsmen have ensured faithful reproduction of the original painting.工匠们确保复制出一幅与原作一模一样的画作。They went around painting rude slogans on cars.他们到处在汽车上涂写粗鲁的标语。He went over the painting, giving it the final touches.他对这幅画作了最后的润色。




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