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词汇 paces
例句 I took a few paces towards her.我朝她迈了几步。Two bodyguards remained a couple of paces behind the president.两个保镖一直跟在总统身后两三步处。Take two paces forward.向前走两步。He stopped when he was a few paces away.他走了几步就停了下来。A group of the world's best waterskiers will be going through their paces.一队世界上最优秀的滑水运动员将一展身手。Eddie walked a few paces behind his mother, his head hung low.埃迪跟在母亲身后数步,头垂得低低的。The man shuffled back a few paces, bent almost double.那人拖着脚退了几步,腰深深地弯着。Take two paces forwards/backwards.向前/向后迈两步。Father Roubert curbed his horse some twenty paces from Thomas.罗伯特神父在离托马斯大约二十步的地方勒住了马。The dog walked a few paces behind us.那只狗在我们身后几步远的地方跟着。We brought home three different computers and put them through their paces.我们买了三台不同的电脑回家,验证它们的性能。The film director spent the morning in putting the new actor through his paces.电影导演花了一上午的时间测试那位新演员的才能。I'd gone about ten paces, when I heard a strange sound behind me.我走了大约十步时,听见后面有个奇怪的声音。All the candidates were put through their paces during the television debate.在电视辩论会上,所有候选人都使出了看家本领。The runner collapsed just a few paces from the finish.那名赛跑选手在距终点线只有几步之遥的地方倒下了。Step back three paces.向后退三步。He is always ready to show his paces.他总想显露自己的本领。The Scottish team went through their paces for the press yesterday.苏格兰队昨天在新闻界面前展示了实力。Rebecca walked a few paces behind her mum.丽贝卡走在妈妈身后几步远的地方。The test drivers put the new models through their paces.试车员负责展示新款汽车的性能。A few paces from me he snapped a smart salute.在离我数步之外,他潇洒地朝我敬了个礼。The designer was putting the tank through its paces.设计师正在测试坦克的性能。The fence is ten paces from the house.篱笆与房子相距十步。The teacher paces his teaching to his students' abilities.教师根据学生们的能力调整教学进度。He'd only gone a few paces before he stopped again.他只走了几步远就又停了下来。The athletes went through their paces as the coaches looked on.田径运动员们展示了自己的能力,教练们在一旁观看。The new software still needs to be put through its paces before it can be made available to the public.在投入市场之前,这款新软件还需要进行测试。I stopped a few paces from the edge of the cliff.我在离悬崖边还有几步远的地方停了下来。The British coach is putting the boxers through their paces.英国教练正在检验拳手们的能力。When she gets nervous she paces back and forth.她紧张时会来来回回地踱步。The coach spent the whole morning putting the newcomer through his paces.教练花了整个上午测试新队员的能力。He took a couple of paces forward, then stopped.他向前走了几步,然后停下来。He stepped three paces beyond, to the edge of the cutbank.他又向远处走了三步,靠近陡岸的边缘。There were perhaps ten paces between me and the bear.在我和熊之间相距大约有十步。The British coach is putting the boxers through their paces.英国教练正在测试拳击手们的水平。Alongside of me, only three paces removed, stood the tiger.在我的旁边,只有三步之遥的地方,就站着那老虎。The test driver puts all the cars through their paces.试车手测试了所有的车辆。




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