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词汇 out of the way
例句 Consumers can't always make heads or tails out of the way nutrition is labeled on a food package.消费者不是总能搞得清楚食品包装上标明的营养成分。Get out of the way, you big oaf!让开!你这个大笨蛋!It's a very beautiful spot but it's a little out of the way.这是一个非常的地方,但有点偏僻。When not in use it folds up out of the way.不用时就折起放好。Let's get these issues out of the way before we start working on any other issues.在处理其他任何问题之前,我们先把这些问题全部处理完吧。A large man shoved me out of the way.一个大块头把我推挤到了一边。He had to be bundled unceremoniously out of the way.他只能被粗暴地撵出去。He spent long hours keeping out of the way, killing time.他长时间躲到一旁消磨时光。Sue let out a terrific shriek and leapt out of the way.休发出一声尖叫,跳到了一边。I like to get my homework out of the way on a Friday night so that I can enjoy the weekend.我喜欢在星期五晚上把作业全部做完,这样我就可以好好享受周末。He pushed her out of the way.他把她推到一边。I feel better, now that one problem is out of the way.由于一个问题已经解决,我感觉好了些。I'll put these empty bottles somewhere where they're out of the way.我会把这些空瓶子放在一个不挡道的地方。He has done nothing out of the way yet.他尚未做出不同寻常的事来。He cleared a space, heaving boxes out of the way.他搬开箱子腾出一块地方。It would have been better to have got it out of the way earlier.如果当时能早点结束就更好了。I moved my car out of the way so that the heavy lorry could come by.我把小汽车开到路边,好让载重卡车通过。He was glad to get his exams out of the way.他很高兴考试结束了。He dived out of the way, reaching for his gun.他迅速闪开,伸手去掏枪。He managed to shoulder his sister out of the way.最后他还是用肩膀把姐姐推了出去。He shoved her out of the way.他一把将她推开。Make sure trailing flexes are kept out of the way so you don't trip up over them.别让拖地的皮线挡了道,这样你就不会被绊倒。There is nothing out of the way about the plan.这项计划没有什么独特之处。Make sure the kids keep out of the way while I'm working.要确保我工作时孩子们不来烦扰我。With the election out of the way, the government can get down to business.选举结束,政府可以着手干起来了。The cat jumped agilely out of the way.猫敏捷地一跳躲开了。She had to run to the sidewalk to get out of the way of the car.她只得冲到人行道上避开那辆汽车。The house is a little out of the way, but you should be able to find it.这房子有点儿偏远,但你应该能找到。I tried to stop her, but she elbowed me out of the way.我企图拦阻她,但她用肘把我搡开。Faye dodged out of the way of the oncoming train.费伊躲开了迎面而来的火车。While the fight was going on, she tried to keep out of the way.打斗的时候,她尽量避远点。To leave before the guest of honour would be out of the way.先于贵宾离席是不礼貌的。He threw a glass at her but she dodged out of the way.他拿一个玻璃杯向她扔过来,但她躲开了。They rented a cottage that was quiet and out of the way.他们租了间僻静的小屋,远离喧嚣。That wasn't very gallant of you, Paul, pushing a young lady out of the way like that!保罗,那样子推搡开一位年轻女士可真没风度。We were shouldered roughly out of the way.我们被人用肩粗暴地挤到了一边。He warned the army to stay out of the way of the relief effort.他警告军队不要介入救援工作。It's a great little pub, but a bit out of the way.这是家很不错的小酒馆,只是位置有点偏僻。He took her by the shoulder and pushed her out of the way.他抓住她的肩膀把她推到一边。I leaned forward to rumple his hair, but he jerked out of the way.我探身过去抚弄他的头发,但他马上躲开了。




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