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词汇 our school
例句 We're doing `Macbeth' as our school play this term.我们在演出《麦克白》,这是这学期的校园剧。He was spoken for to our school.他被推荐到我们学校。Let's go to the football game and cheer for our school team.咱们去看足球比赛,为我们的校队呐喊助威。Alice, a sometime pupil of our school, is now a teacher here.艾丽斯,我校以前的学生,现在是这儿的教师。The flaws in our school system will never be fixed as long as the government continues to just throw money at the problem.只要政府仍然光靠砸钱来处理问题,我们学校体制中的缺陷就永远无法得到修补。Few students in our school can touch him in music.在音乐方面,我们学校很少有学生能与他相比。The children at our school have to be fed in two relays.本校学童只得分两批进餐。He is an honor to our school.他是我们学校的光荣。The history of our school remounts to the Qing Dynasty.我们学校的历史可以追溯到清朝。We all stood up in the grandstand and gave our school team a locomotive.我们在看台上一齐起立,给我们的校队一阵节奏由慢到快的欢呼。The centre forward of our school team was sent off the field by the referee for roughing.我们校队的中锋因动作粗野被裁判判罚出场。The bank next to our school was raided last week.我们学校附近的那个银行上周被人抢劫了。At our school, we always went to chapel twice a day.在学校时,我们总是一天做两次礼拜。Low test scores are a sad reflection on our school system.学生考分低,这使我们的学校系统遭受非议。At last we plumped for the new house near our school.最终我们决定选学校附近的新房子。A skyscraper is rising near our school.我们学校附近正在建起一座摩天大楼。In our school, we have a gastronomic department that specializes in dealing with the kids' luncheons.在我们学校里,有一个烹饪部是专门管学童营养午餐的。The library is just across from our school.图书馆就在我们学校对面。He troubleshoots for our school.他给我们学校当故障检修工。I left our school yard at recess and ran home.课间休息时,我离开学校跑回了家。I have consulted a number of law books in our school library.我曾在我校图书馆里查阅过好些法律书籍。We are having a jumble sale at our school.我们准备在学校里搞个旧物义卖。Wearing uniform is an unbreakable rule in our school.穿校服是我们学校的一条金科玉律。The president took time out of his busy schedule to visit our school.总统百忙之中抽出时间参观了我们学校。The test results speak poorly for our school system.测试结果表明我们的学校体系欠佳。Behind our school there is a stream courting the fishermen.在我们学校的后面有一条吸引钓鱼人的小河。The local policeman is now a familiar figure in our school.那位本地警察现在经常来访我们学校。The supermarket near our school will be reopened soon.我们学校附近的那个超级市场不久将重新开业。His name will always be twinned with that of our school.他的名字将和我们学校的名字永远联系在一起。The atmosphere at our school was highly competitive.我们学校笼罩着激烈竞争的气氛。Painting is taught at our school.我们学校有绘画课。John carried our school banner in the parade.约翰在游行时举著我们的校旗。One unbreakable rule in our school is that no child can be tested without written parental permission.我们学校有一条金科玉律:未经父母书面同意,不得对学生进行测试。Taking part in the event will be good publicity for our school.参加这一活动将是对我们学校的良好宣传。English is not the usual medium of instruction in our school.英语不是我校通常使用的教学语言。At our school, you were required to conform, and there was no place for originality.我们学校要求每个人循规蹈矩,容不得创新求变。The museum is only a short step away from our school.博物馆离我们学校不远。At our school we have four periods in the morning and three in the afternoon.我们学校上午上四节课,下午上三节课。We had scarcely left our school before it began to rain.我们刚离开学校,天就下雨了。We've been mates since our school days.我们从学生时代起就是朋友。




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