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例句 Feet were pounding on the deck overhead.头顶甲板上传来沉重的脚步声。Hurried footsteps sounded on the stairs.楼梯上传来急促的脚步声。A squeak of wheels and plod of hoofs came from the road.车轮的辚辚声和沉重缓慢的马蹄声从路上传来。She was startled to hear voices coming from upstairs.她听见楼上传来说话声,吓了一跳。The music coming from the apartment upstairs kept me awake all night long.上传来的音乐吵得我整夜没睡。She heard the priest's familiar, flat footfall on the staircase.她听到楼梯上传来牧师那熟悉、单调的脚步声。The dignity of the occasion was broken by shouts from the gallery.这次盛会的庄严气氛被楼座上传来的叫喊声破坏了。Take great care when uploading personal information such as your address or credit card number.上传地址、信用卡号码等个人资料要格外小心。There was nervous tittering in the studio audience.演播室观众席上传来紧张的低笑声。You could hear the bass thumping right down the street.你能听到街道上传来弹奏贝司的砰砰声。The news came over the ticker.自动收报机上传来了这则新闻。We live next door to a busy street and there is always a constant level of noise in the background.我们的家紧邻着一条热闹的大街,街上传来的噪音持续不断。All ears were cocked for the footsteps on the stairs.所有的人都竖起耳朵听楼梯上传来的脚步声。I was listening for a cry or a whimper from upstairs.我留神听著楼上传来的哭声或呜咽声。I heard sounds of raucous laughter upstairs.我听见楼上传来沙哑的笑声。He heard the slow, heavy tramp of feet on the stairs.他听到楼梯上传来缓慢沉重的脚步声。I heard feet crunching over the gravel outside the house.我听到屋外的砂石路上传来嘎吱嘎吱的脚步声。I heard the slam of a car door in the driveway.我听到私家车道上传来车门砰的一声关上的声音。I heard a racket coming from upstairs.我听见楼上传来吵闹声。Double glazing has helped to deaden the noise from the road.装上双层玻璃有助于降低公路上传来的噪音。She uploaded the pictures from her digital camera to her computer.她将照片从数码相机上传至电脑。He heard the sound of heavy, dragging footsteps in the corridor.他听到从走廊上传来拖沓沉重的脚步声。There was a scream of brakes from the carriageway outside.外面车行道上传来刺耳的刹车声。The scream came from upstairs.上传来一声尖叫。A titter went round the audience.观众席上传来嗤嗤的窃笑声。Coming from outside in the street was the sound of children playing.外面街道上传来孩子们玩耍的声音。




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