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词汇 or so
例句 The publishers wanted a summary that afternoon, so I dashed it off in an hour or so.那天下午出版商需要一篇摘要,于是我花了一个小时左右的时间匆匆写了一份。We will have to wait a week or so before we know whether the operation is a success.我们还得等一周左右才能知道手术是否成功。Some seed varieties germinate fast, so check every day or so.一些种子品种发芽快,所以差不多一天就得检查一次。Over 20 metres or so, there's a telephone-box there.再走二十几米,那里有一个电话亭。It'll only cost 15 dollars or so.只要十五美元左右。You need a kilo or so of flour.你需要一公斤左右的面粉。Dunk new plants in a bucket of water for an hour or so before planting.栽种新植物之前将它们在水桶中浸泡一小时左右。Don't you think that her jacket wants an inch or so of the proper length?你不觉得她的夹克短一寸左右吗?Sear the pigeon breasts for one minute or so on each side.把鸽子的胸脯肉每一面都轻煎一分钟左右。The test isn't difficult, or so they say.考试不难,他们是这么说的。She was very depressed or so the story goes. 她很沮丧,至少传闻是这么说的。Great clouds of black smoke were rising for several hundred feet or so.大片的黑色烟云升至大约几百英尺的空中。This is not the right time to make the announcement. Let's lie low for a week or so.现在宣布还不是时候,我们且等一星期左右再说吧。You start on the windows and I'll do the walls, then we can swap over after an hour or so.你先从窗户开始,我来弄墙,大约一小时后我们可以倒换过来。In a day or so he will be as good as new.他大概一天工夫就会恢复过来。Conditions on the oil rig are very unpleasant. You'd go insane if you had to stay more than a month or so.石油钻台上的工作条件非常糟糕。如果要逗留一个月左右的时间,你会发疯的。I'm just going to lie down for an hour or so.我就上床睡个把小时。These will be worth a lot of money in 50 years’ time or so.五十来年后这些东西将值很多钱。Smith Point is a small piece of land extending a hundred yards or so into the water.史密斯岬角是伸入水里一百码左右的一小块土地。We have to leave in five minutes or so.过五分钟左右我们就得走了。Every minute or so I could hear a snap, a crack and a crash as another tree went down.每隔大约一分钟,我就会听见又一棵树咔嚓一声折断、哗啦一下倒地的声音。They spent an hour or so searching for the missing file.他们花了大约一个小时时间寻找不见了的文件。The war had ended only a month or so before.战争大约一个月前才刚刚结束。Rohit may not be promoted soon, but he could hope for time-scale promotion after three years or so when he is eligible under that scheme.罗希特也许不会马上得到提升,但是他能期待在工作三年左右后凭资历升职。Of the original ten, four or so remain.在原有的十个中,留下约四个左右。When you're a new kid in town, you always have to punch it out with the kids the first day or so.倘若你是新来乍到,那你就得在开头的一两天里跟城里的孩子们打出个输赢来。It may take another week or so to settle down before we can get back to normal.也许还要一周左右的时间我们才能安顿下来恢复正常。Some seed varieties germinate fast, so check every day or so.有一些种子发芽快,所以差不多每天得察看一下。I imagine the change will take place at some point in the next year or so.我想大约在明年的某个时候会发生改变。I have been stooging about at 25 000 feet for 3 hours or so.我一直在25 000英尺的上空巡航,已近三个小时了。We put out an announcement a day or so ago.我们一两天前发布了一个通告。There is a meeting tonight and I was thinking of popping along for half an hour or so.今晚有个会,我打算参加半小时左右。I work much better if I take a short break every hour or so.如果每小时我都休息一小会儿,我的工作效率会高很多。There must be thirty people or so in the class.班上肯定有三十人左右。Every year or so, we get a pay raise to compensate for the rising cost of living.我们差不多每年都涨工资,以抵消生活成本的上涨。There was nothing more he wanted, or so he thought.他再无所求,或者说他是这么想的。A year or so later I happened to meet him again.大约一年后我碰巧又遇见了他。He suggested that I take a week or so off work.他建议我休假一星期左右。She gets a manicure every week or so.她大概一周做一次指甲护理。The track petered out after a mile or so.大约一英里后,小路逐渐消失了。




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