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词汇 ordination
例句 He is a candidate for ordination.他是受任神职的人选。For him the Church's decision to allow the ordination of women had been the last straw.教会同意授予女性神职的决定使他终于忍无可忍。After his ordination, he will be assigned to a local parish.受命为牧师后,他将被派往地方教区。To improve hand-eye co-ordination, practise throwing and catching balls.要想提高手眼协调能力,就练习投球和接球。The Church of England finally agreed to accept the ordination of women priests.英国国教会最终同意了给女神职人员授予圣职。Claudia was losing her co-ordination, stumbling over her equipment.克劳迪娅身体失去协调,被装备绊倒了。There should be greater co-ordination between doctors and biologists.医生和生物学家之间应该加强协调。Toddlers should go barefoot to encourage balance and co-ordination.蹒跚学步的孩子应该光脚,以促进平衡和协调能力。




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