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词汇 ordeal
例句 He tried to blot out his memories of the ordeal.他试图抹掉那次痛苦经历的回忆。Being lost in the wilderness for a week was an ordeal for the campers.在荒野里迷路一星期对露营者来说真是一场磨难。The parents went through a terrible ordeal when their child was kidnapped.当孩子遭到绑架时,父母亲经受了一次可怕的折磨。Every plane crash is an ordeal for the surviving relatives.每次的空难对家属而言都是个严酷的考验。The former hostage is in remarkably good shape considering his ordeal.想想人质曾遭受的折磨,获救后其身体状况已经是出奇地好了。Sam couldn't wait for the whole tiring ordeal to be over.萨姆等不及这场累人的磨难结束。He thought he'd never get through the ordeal without cracking up.他觉得自己即使能躲过这一劫也要变疯了。Being trapped in the elevator was a harrowing ordeal for the shoppers.被困在电梯里对购物的人来说真是苦不堪言。Throughout this ordeal her behaviour was beyond reproach.她在这场磨难中的表现无可指摘。Children shouldn't be put through the ordeal of giving evidence in court.不应该让孩子们经历在法庭上提供证据的痛苦。The journalists hung on his every word as he spoke of his ordeal.记者仔细倾听他讲述的苦难经历。His own ordeal equipped him to understand his friend's suffering.他自己的苦难经历使他能理解他朋友的痛苦。Throughout the whole ordeal, she remained true to her husband.在这一场磨难中,她对丈夫始终是忠贞不渝。They tried to remain composed throughout the ordeal.在严峻的考验中他们始终努力保持镇定。The love of my family and friends sustained me through my ordeal.家人和朋友的爱支撑着我渡过了难关。She was badly shaken by the attack and found it difficult to describe her ordeal to the police.那次袭击事件使她受到极大的打击,她发觉难以向警方描述那痛苦的经历。He made little of his ordeal.他对自己的不愉快经历没太在意。The family faced their ordeal with dignity.这一家人在磨难面前不失尊严。Her ordeal was tastelessly handled in the press.她的痛苦经历被媒体说得很难堪。Politeness obliged me to go on with the ordeal.出于礼貌,我不得不继续这个严峻考验。She was left badly shaken by her ordeal.她为她遭受的折磨深感震惊。I need to find a way to make traveling less of an ordeal.我得想办法让旅途好受点。They were spared the ordeal of giving evidence in court.他们免受了在法庭作证的煎熬。She described her agonising ordeal.她描述了自己备受折磨的苦难经历。Last night he relived his terrifying ordeal.昨夜他又一次体验了那种可怕的折磨。The hostages are now free after their five-day ordeal.这些人质经历了五天的苦难之后现在自由了。I do not think any of us spared a thought for the ordeal of her crew.我不认为我们中间有任何一个人同情过这艘船的船员所遭受的磨难。The hostages' ordeal came to an end when soldiers stormed the building.士兵们突袭那栋大楼后,人质们的苦难终于结束了。The experience was a detestable ordeal, and it cured him of any ambitions to direct again.那次经历是一次令人厌恶的煎熬,使得他放弃了任何再当导演的想法。Throughout his ordeal his will remained unbroken.历经磨难,他的意志仍然很坚强。She described her agonizing ordeal.她描述了自己备受折磨的苦难经历。The hostages were eventually released after undergoing a terrifying ordeal.人质在经历了极其可怕的折磨之后终于获释。At a news conference yesterday, the two men described their ordeal.在昨天的记者招待会上,那两名男子描述了他们的可怕经历。She kept her cool and managed to get herself out of the ordeal.她保持着冷静与克制,努力使自己走出了这次痛苦的经历。My family has supported me through this whole ordeal.我的家人支撑着我熬过了这场磨难。Dreadfully overcrowded trains and frequent cancellations made commuting an ordeal.火车极其拥挤,而且车次常常被取消,这使来回上下班成了一种折磨。She braced herself for her forthcoming ordeal.她为即将到来的磨难做好了准备。She wouldn't want to put them through the ordeal of a huge ceremony.她不想让他们参加大型仪式受罪。I just want to get this ordeal over! = I just want to get this ordeal over with! = I just want to get this ordeal over and done with! 我只想结束这种煎熬!I think he behaved extremely honourably throughout this whole ordeal.我认为他在这整个可怕的经历中表现得非常令人敬佩。




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