例句 |
Do you have protection?你有避孕套吗?The prospect of teachers passing out prophylactics to their pupils has infuriated some parents.想到老师将分发避孕套给学生使一些家长愤慨不已。Although most condoms contain spermicide, there are some manufactured without.虽然多数避孕套含有杀精剂,但也有一些是不含的。Condoms don't always protect against pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.避孕套无法总是达到避孕和防止性病传播的效果。Condoms are a necessary precaution.避孕套是一种必要的预防措施。The condom advertising campaign is going to be very straightforward and as matter-of-fact as possible.避孕套宣传活动将以直截了当的、尽可能就事论事的方式进行。 |