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词汇 on the whole
例句 The wine towns encountered are, on the whole, quiet and modest.所到的酒镇总的来说都是宁静祥和的。It's been a hard year, but on the whole I've learned a lot.这一年很不容易,但总的说来我学到了不少。The author is a little pretentious, but on the whole he does know his onions.这个作家有点儿自命不凡,但总的说,他确是精通本行。Let there be no doubt that this was an attack on the whole community.毫无疑问,这是对全体大众的攻击。Journalists on the whole don't create public opinion. They can help to nourish it.大体说来记者不制造舆论。他们会助长舆论。I agree with you on the whole.总而言之,我同意你的观点。The weather has been very pleasant on the whole.总的来说,天气一直都很宜人。For some reason, Malcolm had a down on the whole teaching profession.出于某种原因,马尔科姆看不起整个教书行业。It's extremely hard working together but on the whole it works brilliantly and we're still good friends.一起共事很不容易,但是总体来说我们合作得很成功,我们还是好朋友。Despite their age, the paintings are, on the whole, in very good condition.尽管年代已久,这些画总体来看保存得很好。Obviously your behaviour is going to reflect on the whole group.显然你的行为会给整个团队招来非议。From then on the whole tone of the campaign began to degenerate.从那时起,整个活动的基调开始变质。The candidates that the party selected tended, on the whole, to be middle-aged, male, and white.该党挑选的候选人总体说来都是中年白人男子。He did a great job on the whole.总而言之,他干得很出色。Thorpe's got his bad points but I like him on the whole.索普身上是有些坏毛病,但总体上我还是喜欢他的。Variations in the interest rate will have an impact on the whole housing market.利率的变动将对整个房地产市场产生影响。Immigrants here are well integrated on the whole.总的来说,这里的移民融入良好。He brought discredit on the whole family.他给全家人丢了脸。Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school.你的恶劣行径给整个学校带来耻辱。In spite of the film's many faults, on the whole it's worth seeing.这部影片尽管有许多不足之处,但总的来说还是值得一看的。He looked on the whole incident as a joke.他认为整个事件荒唐可笑。Ronnie's incompetence reflects badly on the whole organization.龙尼的无能给整个组织带来了不良影响。I think, on the whole, we had better stay at home.我认为,总的看来,我们还是呆在家里为好。He reported on the whole event to the vice premier.他把整个事件向副总理作了汇报。The closing of one factory had ripple effects on the whole community.一家工厂的关闭在整个社区引起了连锁反应。His behaviour has sometimes been hard on the whole family.他的行为有时让全家人跟着受罪。A silence fell on the whole group.整个小组变得鸦雀无声。It was a pretty good conference on the whole.总的说来,这是一次很成功的会议。Though it sags in the middle, the novel is readable on the whole.这部小说虽然中间部分比较乏味,但总的说来尚可一读。Our youngest daughter was hyperactive, and it had a damaging effect on the whole family.我们的幼女是一个多动的孩子,把全家人都搞得无法安宁。She has her faults, but on the whole she's very nice.她有缺点,但总的来说很不错。He had made a secret dossier on the whole affair.他已就全部事件编制了一份秘密档案。The MP was accused of bringing shame and humiliation on the whole party.这位议员被指责给全党带来了耻辱。Sales were about average for the industry on the whole.销售额大约达到了整个行业的中等水平。His recklessness brought down disaster on the whole family.他的鲁莽给全家带来了灾难。My government immediately put a lid on the whole affair.我的政府立即采取措施控制了整个局面。She cast a spell on the whole audience.她迷倒了所有观众。Those in business are not, on the whole, conversant with basic scientific principles.总体上来看,经商者不了解基本的科学原理。They hadn't planned on the whole family coming.他们未料到全家人都来了。When the old man was angry, he threatened to put a spell on the whole tribe.那个老头发怒时威胁说他要对整个部落下诅咒。




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