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词汇 make good
例句 Fallen leaves, straw, loose earth all make good mulches.落叶、稻草和松土都是很好的覆盖物。It's a story about a kid from a small town trying to make good in the big city.这是个关于来自小镇的孩子努力想要在大城市取得成功的故事。These books make good reading.这些书读起来很有趣。She had heard someone say, in all seriousness, that women would never make good golfers because of the shape of their bodies.她听到有个人煞有介事地说,女人因为体形的关系永远不可能把高尔夫球打好。That story will make good copy.那个故事将是个不错的新闻题材。He makes good use of his time.他能充分利用时间。Although his business is small, he makes good bread.他的生意规模虽小,收入可观。If I don't make good, I'll trot back to college.假如我失败,我就回大学去读书。He makes good money as a lawyer. = He makes a good living as a lawyer. 他当律师赚很多钱。It may cost several billion roubles to make good the damage.也许要花上几十亿卢布才能赔偿这一损失。He failed to make good and they gave him the laugh.他没有成功,人们都报以嘲笑。He was confident the allies would make good on their pledges.他相信盟友们会履行他们的承诺。The performer, if properly nursed, would make good in a couple of years.这位演员,如果好好培养,过几年就会成材。The insurance company was required to make good on the loss.保险公司被要求赔偿损失。He writes the sort of dialogue that makes good theatre.他写的对白戏剧效果很好。Students are encouraged to make good use of all the computing facilities.学生被鼓励要充分利用所有的电脑设备。I enjoy the work, and I make good money.我喜欢这份工作,而且收入不菲。Certain that he was going to make good his threat to kill her, she lunged for the gun.他曾威胁要杀了她,而她确定他这次就要向她索命,便冲上前去拿枪。Family-friendly policies make good business sense.推行关爱家庭的人性化用人制度非常符合商业常识。We will make good use of our time.我们将好好利用我们的时间。The contract obliges you to make good any damaged windows.合同规定任何损坏的窗户均由你方修理。We'll have to make good that broken lock before we leave the house.离屋前我们必须把那把坏锁修好。Political scandals make good copy. 政治丑闻是新闻报道的好素材。His antics always make good fodder for the gossip columnists.他滑稽可笑的举止总是成为八卦专栏作家的好素材。We might as well make good use of his expertise while he's here.他在这里的时候,我们不妨好好利用他的专长。He is in hot water because he can't make good on his debts.他有困难,因为他还不起债务。Guinea pigs make good pets.豚鼠做宠物挺好的。We intend to make good any damage we may have caused.我们打算赔偿任何我们可能造成的损失。There's an old saying that good fences make good neighbors.有句老话说,好篱笆隔出好邻居。Videos often make good teaching material.录像常常可用作很好的教学材料。




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