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词汇 axe
例句 With a few swift blows of the axe, she severed the cable.她用斧子干净利落地砍了几下,就把电缆切断了。He downed his axe and sat on a stump.他放下斧头,坐在树桩上。He can cleave a tree with one blow of his axe.他一斧头就能砍断一棵树。The fireman splintered the locked door with an axe.消防队员把那扇锁着的门用斧头劈开。We were going to build a new school but it got the axe from the government.我们原来准备建立一所新的学校,但政府取消了这项计划。He was killed by an axe blow to the base of his skull.他是颅底遭斧子重创死亡的。He used an axe to chip the ice.他用了斧头将冰敲碎。He picked up an axe and began hacking at the door.他拿起一把斧子开始劈门。Then the woodcutter let his axe fly. Thwack! Everyone heard it.然后伐木工人抡起他的斧头。咔嚓!每个人都听见了。A man used to wielding an axe fought best on foot.惯用斧头的人最善于步战。He split the wood with an axe.他用斧子劈开木头。He seems like a decent bloke and I've got no axe to grind with him.他看上去像是个正派的家伙,我对他没有什么不满。Robert was hacking at the base of the tree with an axe.罗伯特在用斧子砍那棵树的基部。Environmentalists have no political axe to grind - they just want to save the planet.环境保护主义者并非想在政治上争个对错——他们仅仅想拯救这个星球而已。He'd get me barking trees with an axe.他会让我用斧子剥树皮。When I opened my eyes I saw a man with an axe standing at the end of my bed.我睁开眼睛时,看见一个手持斧头的男人站在床尾。We managed to break open the crate with an axe.我们设法用斧头把板条箱砸开了。Julian used an axe to chop down the old apple tree.朱利安用斧子砍倒了那棵老苹果树。Two schools face the axe.两所学校面临被撤销的命运。In his great age he could still wield his axe mightily.尽管他年事已高,但仍能有力地挥动斧头。I need objective advice from someone with no axe to grind.我需要公正无私的人给我一些客观的建议。Wielding the axe on the prison plan would be one way of saving money.取消监狱规划会是省钱的一种方法。Patients are delighted their local hospital has been saved from the axe.患者都很高兴,因为当地那家医院未遭关闭。MPs know there will be cuts in public spending but do not know on which department the axe will fall.议员们知道要削减公共开支,但是不知道从哪个部门开刀。The executioner's axe fell.刽子手手起斧落。Religious programmes will be the first to get the axe if she's put in charge of the station.如果她负责电台工作,宗教节目将首先被砍掉。The group claimed that it had no axe to grind.该组织声称没有别的企图。His prime-time TV show is likely to get the axe.他在黄金时段的电视节目很可能会被取消。He came at me with an axe.他拿着一把斧子向我扑过来。He has no axe to grind over this question.在这个问题上他没有私心。St Bartholomew's is one of four London hospitals facing the axe.圣巴塞洛缪医院是伦敦四个面临关闭的医院之一。He maintained that he was protecting himself from Mr Cox, who came at him with an axe.他坚持说当时考克斯先生拿着斧头向他冲过来,他是在自卫。He felled the tree with one stroke of the axe.他一斧头就将树砍倒。He struck the axe against a tree.他用斧子对着树砍下去。Then the woodcutter let his axe fly — Thwack! Everyone heard it.然后那个伐木工脱手甩出了斧头。哐!每个人都听见了。The fireman battered the door down with a heavy axe.救火员用大斧把门劈开。When things get tight, these small businesses are the first ones to get the axe.当情况变得严重时,这些小型企业将首先遭殃。




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