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例句 I think she's wrong - not to put too fine a point on it.打开天窗说亮话吧,我认为她是错的。If your soup's too hot, blow on it.如果你的汤太烫,吹一吹。We're going full out on it, sir.先生,我们正在全力以赴。His mother pounced on it when he admitted that he'd not been to school.当他承认自己没去上学时,他的母亲揪住这一点不放。Almost all hospitals use a wrist-band of some kind with your name and details on it.几乎所有的医院都用某种腕带记录名字和详细信息。I seem to have lost the file with all my personal records on it.看来我把记录我所有个人信息的那个文件弄丢了。His heavy body smashed my glass on the desk when he sat on it.当他坐在我的书桌上时,他肥大的身躯压碎了上面的玻璃板。The concrete will take several hours to set, so make sure no one walks on it.混凝土需要几个小时凝固,所以不要让人在上面走。Not to put too fine a point on it, we don't think his paintings are so good.坦率地说,我们并不认为他的画水准很高。He carries around an old backpack with peace buttons on it.他走到哪里都背着那个别着和平徽章的旧背包。I gently led her to the chair and sat her on it.我小心地把她带到椅子边让她坐下。She handed me a business card with her name neatly embossed on it.她递给我一张名片,上面简洁地凸印着她的名字。My ankle is weak, so I always put a bandage on it to support it when I play tennis.我的脚踝很脆弱,所以打网球的时候我总是缠上绷带保护它。Boiled milk often has a skin on it.煮开的牛奶表面常结有一层奶皮。The three-pronged spear had a barb on it and could not be pulled out.这把三齿矛上有个倒钩,拔不出来。The gun had his fingerprints on it. Such evidence leaves little doubt of his guilt.枪上留有他的指纹,这种证据几乎可以确定他有罪。He coaxed the fire to burn by blowing on it.他耐心地对着火吹,好让它烧起来。She was making herself unnaturally casual. But he did not take her up on it.她装出并不在乎的样子,但很不自然。不过他没有追问她。He gingerly tested the firmness of the trapdoor by putting one foot on it.他把一只脚放在活板门上,小心翼翼地检查它是否牢靠。The ball had a lot of spin on it.球旋转得很厉害。The film on show doesn't have much sparkle on it.正放映的那部电影沉闷无生气。Although he must have known perfectly well what she was getting at, he didn't pick up on it.尽管他肯定非常清楚她的意思,但他没有给出任何回应。The doctor set my arm and put a cast on it.医生把我的手臂接好,然后敷上石膏。The car was bouncing up and down as if someone were jumping on it.车上下颠跳着,就好像有人在上面蹦跳。You can make book on it that he won't arrive in time.你可以打赌他不会及时来到的。I've tried persuading her not to go but she's intent on it.我试图劝她不要去,但她坚决要去。That last piece of cake has my name on it.最后的那块蛋糕是属于我的。When the machine was switched on it blew a fuse.启动机器时保险丝烧断了。He went over to the wall and placed his palm on it.他走到墙边,用手掌撑墙。She took out the plate, stared blankly at the dried-up food on it, and tipped it into the bin…她拿出盘子,茫然地望着上面已经干掉的食物,然后把它倒进了垃圾桶。The ship was flying a pirate flag with the skull and crossbones on it.那条船挂着一面画有骷髅头的海盗旗。I can't stand him. Not to put too fine a point on it.实话实说,我就是受不了他。Each coat in the store has a tag with the price on it.店里的每一件上衣都有标签标出价格。He took my offer after chewing on it.仔细考虑后他接受了我的提议。There's a jinx on it, mark my words.记住我的话,这会带来厄运的。Looking back on it, I've absolutely no idea why I said that.回想此事,我一点儿也不知道我为什么说那样的话。Be careful,please!The ladder wobbles when you stand on it.小心!这梯子你一站上去就摇晃。Since she'd offered to babysit, I took her up on it.她既然主动提出帮助照看孩子,我也就同意了。Step on it. We have a plane to catch.开快一点,我们要赶飞机。I'll be back. You can count on it.我会回来的。你要相信。




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