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词汇 nest
例句 I can see an eagle's nest on the rocks.我能看到岩石上有个雕巢。His investigation stirred up a hornet's nest.他的调查惹起了一系列麻烦。Inspecting the nest can be difficult and may require some ingenuity.探查鸟巢会是一件困难的事,需要一些奇招妙计。Some species may nest in close proximity to each other.一些鸟类会彼此紧挨着营巢。This bird is atypical of most species here in that it does not build a nest.这种鸟不筑巢,并不是这里大多数鸟类的典型。Officials uncovered a nest of abuse and exploitation.官员们发现了一个虐待和剥削人的窝点。The female spends all her time on the nest.雌鸟所有时间都在孵蛋。Inspecting the nest may require some ingenuity.探查鸟巢是需要些技巧的。If disturbed, the bird may abandon the nest, leaving the chicks to die.如果受到惊扰,鸟可能会弃巢而去,留下雏鸟,任由它们死亡。The hold of the ship was a mare's nest.货舱里乱七八糟。Meanwhile, the mother flies back to the nest to feed her young.其间,母鸟会飞回巢中给雏鸟喂食。Are you telling me that you've got your own little nest of informers in the Police Department?你是说你在警察局有一帮通风报信的?A lone mother Canada goose honked a warning to stay away from her nest.一只孤独无伴的雌性加拿大黑雁鸣叫了一声,警告别人不要靠近它的巢。The bird's nest is located high above ground.鸟巢筑在远离地面的高处。Their children will soon be ready to leave/flee the nest. 他们的几个孩子很快就要离开家了。Britain needed Gibraltar as an invulnerable nest for its fleet.英国需要把直布罗陀变成其舰队攻不破的避风港。The city was a nest of crime.这个城市是罪恶的温床。They have a little nest egg tucked away somewhere for a rainy day.他们把一小笔钱存在了什么地方,以备不时之需。Each ant's nest has its own odor that ants use to recognize it.每个蚁穴都有独特的气味,蚂蚁就是通过这种气味来辨认蚁穴的。While the mother bird searches for food she has to leave her chicks alone and defenseless in the nest.鸟妈妈出去找食物时,不得不让小鸟单独无助地留在巢里。The nest box contained two chicks: just small grey balls of fluff.窝里有两只雏鸟:看上去还只是两个灰色的毛球。They built up a nest egg for their son's college education.他们为儿子上大学攒了一笔积蓄。The nest contained eight little mice that were naked and blind.窝里有八只没长毛、眼睛还看不见的小老鼠。The birds were flying around their nest site.鸟在自己的巢穴周围飞动着。The fledglings are now ready to leave the nest.离巢雏现在准备好离巢了。Mary's much more interested in doing things for other people than feathering her own nest.比起为自己钻营,玛丽对帮助他人要更感兴趣得多。The birds have deserted their nest.这些鸟舍弃了它们的窝。The birds have left their nest.这些鸟儿已经离巢。Biarritz was notorious in those days as a nest of spies.那时候,比亚里茨作为间谍的老巢声名狼藉。They had to use part of their retirement nest egg to pay for their son's college fees.他们不得不动用部分退休金来支付儿子念大学的费用。If you find a bird's nest, never disturb the eggs.如果你发现鸟巢,千万别动那些鸟蛋。Both daughters were ready to fly the nest.两个女儿都准备好了要离家独立生活。Some species may nest in close proximity to each other.一些鸟类会彼此紧挨着筑巢。With a flutter of wings, the birds settled into the nest.鸟儿扇着翅膀归巢了。The last of her children had recently moved out and she was suffering from empty nest syndrome.她最小的孩子最近搬出去住了,她倍受空巢综合症的煎熬。He had a rapacious appetite for bird's nest soup.他吃燕窝汤吃个没够。A bird lays eggs in the nest it has built.鸟将蛋下在自己所筑的巢里。The husband and wife built themselves a comfortable nest.夫妇俩为自己筑了个安乐窝。Your nest egg will be nibbled away by tax and inflation.你的储备金会被税收和通货膨胀蚕食掉。This investment will be a nice little nest egg for you when you get married.这项投资在你结婚的时候会是一笔很可观的收入。




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