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词汇 nervousness
例句 The party had been overlaid with a certain nervousness.这个聚会一直笼罩在不安的气氛中。The student showed no sign of nervousness.这名学生看上去一点也不紧张。Her comments revealed a nervousness that seemed out of keeping with her calm appearance.她的评论显露出一种紧张情绪,这似乎与她镇定的外表不一致。Nancy had experienced no nervousness in the lead-up.南希前期一点都不紧张。She tried to hide her nervousness, but it was clear she wasn't comfortable making the speech.她试图掩饰自己的紧张,但是她发表讲话的时候显然很不自在。I smiled warmly so he wouldn't see my nervousness.我热情地微笑着,所以他不会看出我的紧张。The atmosphere of tension and nervousness here is hard to describe.这里紧张不安的气氛难以形容。She showed no visible nervousness.她没有表现出明显的紧张。He was quavering inwardly with nervousness.他心里紧张得直打颤。She managed to speak without betraying her nervousness.她说话时设法掩盖了自己的紧张。She laughed to hide her nervousness.她大声笑着来掩饰自己的紧张。A little nervousness is only to be expected when you are starting a new job.开始做一份新的工作有点紧张是不足为奇的。His voice betrayed his nervousness.他的声音暴露出他很紧张。He hoped that his nervousness would go unnoticed.他希望没有人注意到他的紧张。There has been great nervousness about the future.对未来一直有一种十分紧张的感觉。There was nervousness in the White House about what might happen.白宫对可能发生的事情有所担心。He was quick to detect the finest thread of nervousness in their laughter.他很敏锐,能察觉他们的笑声中带有一丝紧张不安。Her red face betrayed her nervousness.她涨红的脸显示她很紧张。He found himself chattering away out of nervousness.他发现自己由于紧张而喋喋不休起来。He made a point of shamming nervousness.他总是假装神经兮兮的样子。It was the first time he had evidenced nervousness.这是他第一次显露出紧张不安。He spoke up without the slightest sign of nervousness.他高声说话,没有任何紧张的迹象。My nervousness made me deliver the vital points of my address without sufficient punch.我太紧张,没能充分有力地传达我发言的要点。I was babbling from nervousness.我紧张得胡言乱语起来。His nervousness was writ large on his face. 他的紧张都写在了脸上。Adjusting your tie is often a sign of nervousness.调整自己的领带通常是心情紧张的表现。His nervousness came through when he spoke.他讲话的时候显得很紧张。He felt a tremble of nervousness.他紧张得一阵颤抖。He felt some nervousness at the prospect of meeting her.想到要与她见面,他感到有些紧张。I could sense his nervousness.我能觉察到他的紧张。




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