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词汇 one another
例句 The candidates resorted to hurling brickbats at one another.候选人采取了相互进行语言攻击的手段。The various dialects are quite distinct from one another.各种方言之间存在着相当大的差异。People huddled one another into the hall.人们推推搡搡地拥进了大厅。These myths have a startling likeness to one another.这些神话之间有惊人的相似之处。They are able to talk openly to one another whenever either of them feels hurt.他们俩无论谁感觉受到了伤害,都能够向对方坦言相告。They often raced one another to the bus stop.他们经常比赛看谁先到公共汽车站。We shared our thoughts with one another. 我们分享彼此的想法。We were fated to dislike one another.我们注定互不喜欢。In a marriage, you need to honour one another.婚姻中双方应该互相尊重。The two men carefully avoided one another.这两名男子小心地躲着彼此。The two countries went to war with one another over oil prices.两国因为石油价格而交战。The employers and workers have not reached an agreement yet, but they understand one another.雇主和工人之间尚未达成协议,但他们彼此了解对方的观点。They begin to develop feelings for one another.他们彼此之间开始有了好感。The delegations had begun to build up some trust in one another.各代表团已经开始彼此建立起一些信任。They fought against one another with might and main.他们拼死拼活地打起来。His colleagues nodded brightly and chuckled agreement with one another.他的同事们兴高采烈地点头,相互以轻声微笑表示赞同。On this long journey, palmers helped one another.在这漫长的旅途中朝圣者们互相帮助。Children were hurling snowballs at one another.孩子们正在相互掷雪球。They recited poetry to one another.他们互相朗诵诗歌。They made oath and obtestation to stand faithfully by one another.他们发誓并庄严地承诺要相互忠贞不渝。Languages borrow from one another and these borrowings enrich the language.语言相互借用,这些借用词语可使语言更加丰富。The tree branches were interlaced with one another.树枝错综交织在一起。We complement one another perfectly.我们相互取长补短,堪称完美。The war between the sexes should not result in their complete dissociation from one another.两性之间的对抗不应造成两者之间彻底的分裂。Local politicians were at war with one another over the vacant seat.地方政客竞相争夺空缺席位。Sometimes we would look at one another and the tears would stream down our cheeks.我们有时会默默对视,任热泪从我们脸上淌下。Some of the younger men began to pelt one another with snowballs.一些年轻人开始相互投掷雪球。The two languages are closely akin to one another.这两种语言非常相似。We were both very tender and passionate towards one another.我们对彼此都非常温柔并充满激情。Dimensions crosscut one another.长、宽、高相互交叉。They were ideally suited to one another.他们彼此十分般配。They tried to underwork one another.他们争着以廉价承包同等工作。That's how they spend their free time, ragging one another and everyone else.他们的空余时间全用在捉弄彼此和其他人上面。We had next to nothing to say to one another.我们之间几乎没有什么话好说。The voices merged with one another.几个人的嗓音交织在一起。The ships wailed dismally to one another.几条船凄凉地相互鸣响汽笛。I hope all of us not to hash up old bitterness against one another.我希望我们谁都不要再提起我们之间的旧恩怨。The couple provided the perfect foil for one another.这对夫妇非常般配。I never cease to be amazed at the way people hurt one another.人们那样互相伤害总令我惊异不已。Several organizations have teamed up with one another in the relief effort.在救援工作中几个机构彼此配合。




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