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As often happens with green troops, retreat quickly turned to rout.正如初上战场的部队常常发生的一样,撤退迅速变成了溃退。Osteoarthritis often involves the first carpometacarpal joints, knee joints, and spine.骨关节炎常常发生在大拇指的腕掌关节,膝关节和脊柱。Surprisingly, it is not uncommon for planes to be struck by lightning during flight.出人意料的是,飞机在飞行中被闪电击中的事常常发生。Things have a nasty habit of not turning out the way you expect them to. 恼人的是,事与愿违的情况常常发生。Border skirmishes between India and Pakistan were common.印度和巴基斯坦边境上常常发生小规模战斗。 |