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词汇 on a diet
例句 He was put on a diet of milky food.他按照医嘱要食用乳制品。She is picky about what she eats because she is on a diet.她正在节食,所以挑食挑得厉害。They live on a diet of fish and rice.他们的日常饮食包括鱼和米饭。I mustn't have too much potato because I'm now on a diet.我不能吃太多的马铃薯,因为我正在节食。I used to put away huge meals before I went on a diet.以前我节食之前,总会大吃几顿。I need to go on a diet.我得开始节食了。I'm going on a diet and, so help me, this time I'll stick to it!我要节食,我发誓,这回我一定会坚持下去。Check with your doctor before going on a diet.节食之前先咨询一下医生。Before going on a diet, it is advisable to consult your doctor.节食之前,最好先向医生咨询。Many birds live on a diet of insects.许多鸟类以昆虫为食。I'm supposed to be on a diet, but I still have the odd bar of chocolate on the sly.我应该正处于节食期,但我还是偶尔偷偷地吃一点巧克力。He told me he was on a diet and then proceeded to eat a plateful of chips!他告诉我他在节食,接着就吃了满满的一盘炸薯条!He has been on a diet for as long as any of his friends can remember.在所有朋友的记忆中,他一直都在节食。The doctor told Tom to quit smoking and go on a diet.医生叫汤姆戒烟,并控制饮食。I have to go on a diet and try to lose this spare tire.我必须节食来努力减掉腰上的赘肉。He lives on a diet of coffee and cigarettes.他极度依赖咖啡和香烟。He grew up on a diet of westerns.他是看西部电影长大的。I'd love a dessert, but I'm on a diet.我想吃甜食,可是我正在节食。They had to survive on a diet of insects and berries.他们只好靠吃昆虫和浆果生存。I'm forever on a diet, since I put on weight easily.我永远都在减肥,因为我很容易长胖。We're both going on a diet after Christmas.圣诞节后我们俩都开始节食。I was weaned on a diet of Hollywood fantasy.我自幼深受好莱坞梦的影响。He lived on a diet of water and tinned fish.他仅靠喝水、吃鱼罐头过活。He exists on a diet of kebabs, fags, and booze.他靠吃烤肉串、抽烟和喝酒度日。She was put on a diet of only 1600 calories a day.她被限定每天只吃含一千六百大卡热量的食物。They were fed on a diet of rice and vegetables.给他们吃的是大米和蔬菜。They could not solve problems of foreign policy on a diet of rhetorical candyfloss.他们不可能靠一套空洞浮夸的辞令来解决外交政策问题。They exist on a diet of fruit, nuts, and leaves.他们靠吃水果、坚果和树叶生存。No chocolate, please. I'm on a diet.请不要放巧克力,我在节食。I've been on a diet for two weeks now, and it's purgatory!我已经节食两周了,真是太痛苦了!Not too much pizza for me please, I'm on a diet.请不要给我太多比萨饼,我在节食。He's going on a diet. He's over two hundred pounds.他打算节食,因为他的体重有二百多磅。Lyn always seems to be on a diet.林恩似乎总是在节食。




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