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词汇 old man
例句 He unbuttoned the old man at once.他立刻解开老人的衣服。The old man wrung the soldier's hands.老人紧紧握住战士的手。The fat old man looked grotesque in his tight pants.那胖老头穿著紧身裤显得很可笑。That old man is set in his ways.那个老头积习难改。The old man is sinking fast and won't live much longer.老人的健康急速衰退,活不长久了。That old man is a freeloader of our community. He never pays for his food.那位老人家是我们社区的白食者,他吃东西从不付钱。To whom did the money go when the old man died?老人死时,钱财归何人所有?I remember an old man playing a barrel organ in the street with a perky monkey sitting on his shoulders.我记得有个老头在街头演奏手摇风琴,肩上坐着一只调皮的猴子。These pictures make him an old man.这些照片使他看上去像个老人。The old man was half asleep and barely able to respond to the policeman's questions.老人半醒半睡的,几乎不能回答警察的问题。My old man never could understand why I married Doris.我家老头子永远也搞不懂我为什么娶了多丽丝。After having fallen out with his son, the solitary old man slogged along on his way home.在与儿子争吵之后,那位孤独的老人步履维艰地走路回家。I've been on plenty of other ships where the old man watches when you get to port.我在很多其他船上呆过,在那些船上,每当船到港时船长会盯着你。Run for the doctor,the old man is dying.这个老头儿不行了,赶快去找医生。The old man was pushing eighty-five.老人快85岁了。The old man dogtrotted along the road.那位老人沿路慢跑。The old man edged along on the bench towards the window.那老人在长凳上侧身慢慢向窗口移动。The old man was leaning heavily on a stick.老人正吃力地拄着拐杖。The old man petted the little dog.老人抚弄着小狗。The old man leered suggestively at the waitress.那老头色迷迷地看着那女服务员。The old man drew a long, gnarled finger across his throat.老人伸出一根扭曲变形的长手指摸了一下喉咙。They bearded the old man.他们抓住老人的胡子。Some folk think I'm just a grumpy old man.有些人认为我不过就是个爱生气的老头。The old man was handed out of the house by his children.孩子们把老人从屋中搀扶了出来。On long walks the old man took along a cane.这老人走远路时带上一根手杖。The old man had difficulty climbing the rapid ascent.这位老人攀登这条陡峭的上坡路有困难。The old man shook with the palsy.那老人不由自主地颤抖。The old man peddled ice-cream on the street corner.这个老人在街角叫卖冰淇淋。The old man turned to give her a look of pure surprise.老人转身十分惊奇地看了她一眼。The old man tussled with the big fish.老人和大鱼进行搏斗。The tired old man stumbled along.那位疲惫的老人蹒跚而行。An old man sat on the curb, mumbling and laughing to himself.有个老人坐在路缘上,一个人咕咕哝哝的,还独自发笑。One day, you're going to die a lonely and bitter old man.有一天,你会变成一个老头,孤独痛苦地离开人世。The old man did nothing but intend his health.那位老人一心注意保养身体,别的什么都不做。The old man kept writing his memoirs till the day he crossed over.老人一直在不停地写他的回忆录,直到他死的那一天。The patient nurse ministered to the dying old man.耐心的护士照料着那个垂死的老人。My father was a mean old man who resented every penny he spent on us.我父亲是个吝啬的老头,花在我们身上的每一分钱他都很不情愿。The old man threw himself down on the bench and fell asleep.老人一头倒在长凳上就睡著了。The old man sitting on the park bench looked familiar.坐在公园长椅上的那个老人看上去很面熟。The old man looked in confusion at his new surroundings.老人以迷茫的目光打量着新环境。




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