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词汇 offstage
例句 We heard a loud crash offstage.我们听到后台哗啦一声巨响。He was known offstage as a kindly man.在舞台以外的生活中,大家都知道他是个仁慈的人。The dancer's offstage and onstage personalities are alike.这位舞蹈家的台下和台上性格一致。She waited offstage for her cue.她在舞台边上等待出场提示。The actor had to be prompted by someone who was standing offstage.那个演员必须有一个人站在舞台后面给他提示台词。The introduction was read by an offstage narrator.开场白是由后台的解说员念的。The lights blacked out completely and the offstage music began again.舞台灯光完全熄灭,台后又响起了音乐声。Her manner offstage, like her manner on, is somewhat surly.她台下和台上的举止如出一辙,都有些粗暴无礼。There were tremendous roars offstage.后台十分喧闹嘈杂。There was a loud crash offstage.后台传来一声很响的碰撞声。Despite their bitter screen rivalry, offstage they are close friends.虽然他们在银幕上是誓不两立的对手,但在现实生活中却是亲密的朋友。I look exactly the same on- and offstage.我在台上和台下看上去完全一样。The actor was given a prompt by someone offstage.舞台后面有人给那个男演员台词提示。Someone shouted the lines offstage.有人在幕后大声说台词。Their offstage relationship ended soon after the play closed.这部戏结束不久,他们的幕后恋情就终结了。The main characters are offstage for most of the second act.第二幕的大部分时间主角都没有上场。Though best known for the funny and outspoken roles that she plays on screen, offstage she is shy and rather serious.虽然在银幕上她以扮演滑稽可笑、口无遮拦的角色而闻名,但在现实生活中,她既腼腆又相当严肃。He rushed offstage.他冲向后台。We go offstage and come back for the convention of the encore.按照加演的传统做法,我们走到后台后又再次返场。The offstage music was scarcely audible at first.开始时,幕后的音乐简直听不见。She ran offstage in tears.她哭着跑下舞台。




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