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词汇 Officials
例句 Officials began posting warning notices.官员们开始张贴警告。Officials are concerned that the stolen weapons may fall into the hands of terrorists. 官员们担心那些被偷的武器可能会落入恐怖分子手中。Officials are not planning any drastic action.官员们并未计划进行任何大刀阔斧的行动。Officials were taken on a tour of the one-time maximum security prison.有人带领官员参观了这座曾经戒备最森严的监狱。Officials anticipate that rivalry between leaders of the various drug factions could erupt into full scale war.官员们预计各个毒品团伙头目之间的对抗可能会引发一场全面的冲突。Officials say they've only scratched the surface of the drug problem.官员们说他们仅仅触及到了毒品问题的表面。Officials took the attitude that the problem was not their responsibility.官员的态度是这个问题责任不在他们。Officials feared this could cause a meltdown in the markets.官员们害怕这会引起市场崩溃。Officials refuse to divulge details of the negotiations.官员们拒绝透露谈判的细节。Officials at the White House were sending reporters on a wild-goose chase.白宫官员们在把记者引入迷魂阵。Officials see a role for sophisticated eco-technology to help eradicate pollution sweeping across the region.官员们看到了尖端的生态技术对于消除影响整个地区的污染可以发挥的作用。Officials know that fixing up the area will bring in more visitors, and eventually new businesses.官员们知道,这个地区要是加以修整改造,可以吸引来更多的游客,并最终带来新的商机。Officials played down any hope for a quick end to the bloodshed.官员们让迅速结束这场流血冲突的希望变得渺茫起来。Officials diverted revenue from arms sales to the rebels.官员们将军火销售的收益转到了叛乱分子手中。Officials failed to pass vital information to their superiors.官员们未能将关键信息传达给上级。Officials have pledged that the currency peg to the US dollar will be maintained.官方已经承诺美元汇率制度将保持不变。Officials say they do not know what caused the blast.官员们称他们不知道爆炸是什么引起的。Officials type each passport number into a computer.官员们将每个护照号码都输入到电脑中。Officials are planning to take court action to stop publication of the book.官员们打算采取法律手段,阻止这本书的出版。Officials fear that he might interpret the emphasis on diplomacy as a sign of weakness.官员们担心他会把对外交的重视理解为软弱的表现。Officials have now been delegated to start work on a draft settlement.现在已经委派官员着手起草解决方案。Officials say they're so far apart on such a wide range of issues there's no telling how long the talks could drag on.官员们声称他们在许多问题上分歧甚大,所以无法预见谈判将拖多久。Officials hung the flag upside down. You could have cut the atmosphere with a knife.官员们把旗子挂倒了。气氛紧张得让人透不过气来。Officials really boobed on handling the situation and made it worse.官员们在应对这一局面时犯了愚蠢的错误,使情况更糟了。Officials were clustered at every open office door, talking excitedly.官员们聚在每一个开着门的办公室门口,兴奋地交谈着。Officials say the options will offer investors a longer time in which to accrue profits.官员们说,这些可供选择的方案会让投资者有更长时间增值利润。Officials want free access to all suspect nuclear sites.官员们希望可以自由进入所有可疑的核试验场所。Officials have called the new plane the wave of the future.官员们把这种新式飞机称为未来的时尚。Officials ordered the residents to evacuate.官员命令居民撤离。Officials coerced peasants into voting for the government candidates.官员威逼农民投票给政府推荐的候选人。Officials were accused of making a huge administrative blunder.官员被指责管理严重失误。Officials concede that the way forward will not be easy.官员们承认前进的道路并不容易。Officials counted the votes honestly.官员们如实清点了选票。Officials are cautioning that the war may continue for years.官员们提醒说战争可能会持续多年。Officials are trying to pin down the cause of widespread power cuts.官员们正在设法确定大面积停电的原因。Officials claim the chemical poses no real threat.官员们称这种化学物质不会造成实际的威胁。Officials held a ceremony to lay the cornerstone for a new library.官员们为新图书馆举行了奠基仪式。Officials worried about anemic attendance at the shows.官员们为演出的低上座率而担忧。Officials worked furiously to repair the centre court.官员们下大力气整修中央球场。Officials are suspicious about her death.警官对她的死表示怀疑。




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