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词汇 oddly
例句 The word is misused and sorts oddly with the heading above it.这个词使用不当,因而跟它上面的标题很不协调。This oddly-titled book is a beginner's guide to the bits that make up a PC.这本名字古怪的书是学习个人计算机构造的入门指南。Their modern style home seems oddly out of place among the town's old farmhouses.他们的现代风格的家似乎和镇上古老的农舍格格不入。He said no and seemed oddly reluctant to talk about it.他拒绝了,而且看起来不愿意谈论此事,这令人费解。He smiled, making her suddenly feel oddly vulnerable.他微微一笑,让她突然感觉自己莫名其妙地脆弱起来。The eggplant was limp and oddly pale.那茄子软软的,颜色淡得很奇怪。This was, for him, an oddly uneven performance.对他而言,这场演出时好时坏,很是奇怪。The drug made him behave quite oddly.这种药使得他行为相当古怪。Her French was slurred and oddly accented.她的法语发音含糊并且有奇怪的口音。Didn't you think she was behaving very oddly at the party yesterday?你难道不觉得她昨天在聚会上表现得很古怪吗?She had never been there before, but the place seemed oddly familiar to her.她以前从来没去过那里,但对那个地方好像出奇地熟悉。Did you notice how oddly he was behaving?你注意到他的行为有多古怪了吗?His words proved oddly prophetic.他的话被证实具有奇特的预言性。There were, oddly, few other Britons living in this northern part.说来也怪,很少有其他英国人住在这一北部地区。He felt oddly distant from her.他觉得莫名其妙地跟她疏远了。The novel itself remains oddly inert.小说本身异常平淡,了无生气。She's been behaving oddly this week.这个星期她行为有点异常。Their lives had been oddly similar.他们的生活出奇地相似。The performances are by turns uproarious and oddly poignant.演出一会儿喧闹滑稽,一会儿又变得莫名感伤。He gadded about oddly garmented.他穿着奇装异服到处游荡。She was oddly cold to him, and I wondered what had happened.她对他出奇地冷淡,我怀疑是不是发生了什么事。Viewed from high up, their bodies were oddly foreshortened.从高处往下看,他们的身体小得出奇。It was cold and rainy, but oddly enough, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.天气寒冷且有雨,但奇怪的是,好像人人都玩得很开心。Her short hair was oddly ruffled and then flattened around her head.她的短发顶心乱糟糟的,周围一圈却很平整,十分怪异。His voice sounded oddly resonant in the empty room.他的声音在这空荡荡的房间里听起来异常嘹亮。The drug made him behave quite oddly.这药使他行为非常古怪。The heroine is both oddly prim and annoyingly dozy.女主人公非常古板,而且笨得令人讨厌。The strong dark eyebrows give his face an oddly menacing look.两道乌黑的眉毛让他的脸看起来异常凶狠。He felt, oddly, that he had been happier before becoming famous.说也奇怪,他觉得成名以前更幸福。Stan Dean, easily identifiable by his oddly-shaped hat, sat in a doorway.斯坦·迪安坐在门口,他那顶奇形怪状的帽子一下子就让人认出他来。His own boss was behaving rather oddly.他自己的老板举动相当反常。The plant is distinguishable by its oddly shaped leaves.这种植物因其奇形怪状的叶子极易辨别。




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