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词汇 obvious
例句 She picked at her food with obvious lack of interest.她挑挑拣拣地吃着东西,很明显没有兴趣。I know you really like him, but you don't have to be so obvious about it.我知道你很喜欢他,但你也不必表露得如此明显。The house showed no obvious signs of habitation.没有明显的迹象表明这栋房子有人居住The report is a deliberate and obvious attempt to mislead.这份报告是在故意而且明目张胆地误导。It's obvious that there's a very real chemistry between them.很明显他们俩是真的来电了。The obvious thing is to speak to her before you make a decision.最好的办法显然是作出决定之前你和她谈一谈。David had appaling exam results at school despite his obvious intelligence.戴维尽管聪明过人,但是读书的时候考试成绩很差。The set of his mind is obvious.他的思想倾向很明显。What touched him the most was her obvious gratitude.最触动他的,是她溢于言表的感激之情。His manner made it obvious he didn't like her.他的态度清楚地表明他不喜欢她。From his angry reply it was obvious that I had touched a sensitive spot.从他回答时怒气冲冲的样子可以明显看出,我触到了他的痛处。To state the obvious, if we don't take precautions now, we'll suffer for it later.说句明摆着的话,如果我们现在不采取预防措施,以后会吃苦头的。Their anxiety to go was obvious.他们想去的急切心情是显而易见的。It is obvious to me that you're unhappy in your job.我很清楚你的工作不如意。Their unwillingness to discuss the problem is quite obvious.很显然,他们不愿谈论这一问题。There were obvious signs of the feel-good factor in the last survey taken in the wake of the election result.选举结果公布后的最近一次调查显示,人们普遍对未来持乐观态度。A great deal of literature is only the obvious transformed into the sublime.很多文学作品都是化寻常为神奇。They made it painfully obvious/clear that we were not welcome. 他们表现得十分明显,他们不欢迎我们。It was obvious from her face that I'd eaten the wrong one.从她脸上的表情显然可以看出,我吃错了。It became blatantly obvious to me that the marriage was not going to last.这场婚姻不会长久,我看这已经再也明显不过了。Though the theoretical basis for many of their conclusions was shaky, the take-home lesson was obvious.虽然他们许多结论的理论基础靠不住,但是实得的教益是显而易见的。It was obvious that the enemy would have great numerical superiority.显然敌人会在人数上占有巨大优势。It was obvious from the way they kept looking at each other that there was something going on.从他们不停地对望的样子来看,很明显发生了什么事情。It's blatantly obvious that she's lying.很显然,她在撒谎。His attraction to you is obvious.很明显,他为你着迷。These myths have some striking/obvious parallels with myths found in cultures around the world.这些神话与世界其他文化中的神话有某些显著/明显的相似之处。There is an obvious relation between diet and health.饮食和健康显然有关系。The personal chemistry between the two stars is obvious.很明显,两位明星擦出了火花。There is no obvious correlation between profit and top managers' pay.利润和最高级经理人员的薪金之间无明显联系。How could you fall for such an obvious trick?你怎么会对这么明显的诡计信以为真?Teaching is an obvious choice of career if you like working with children.如果你喜欢能够接触到孩子的工作,那么教师这个职业显然是首选。The author's antipathy to/toward other cultures is obvious.作者对其他文化的反感显而易见。Her obvious popularity made me feel inferior.她那么受人欢迎,令我自愧不如。Determining how the Democratic challenger would conduct his presidency isn't quite so obvious.还不能明确判断这位民主党挑战者将如何履行总统职务。In obvious pain, he was whisked off to the hospital.他显然疼得很厉害,于是被急忙送往医院。To take an obvious example, if there is a good harvest the price of grain will fall.举个显而易见的例子,如果收成好,谷物价格就会下降。The premise is so obvious as to be inarguable.这个前提极其清楚,无庸争辩。The age disparity between the players is obvious.选手的年龄差距显而易见。It's quite obvious to me that this won't work.在我看来非常明显,这样行不通。It's worth checking each item for obvious flaws.有必要逐件检查一下是否有明显的瑕疵。




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