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词汇 objects
例句 What he objects to was the creeping bureaucracy.他反对的是逐渐滋长的官僚政治。Some of the objects on the table had been displaced by the thief.桌上的一些东西被贼动过了。Local fishermen's nets kept snagging on underwater objects.当地渔民的渔网不断被水下物体钩住。He objects to the sexist label - he doesn't think he's sexist at all.他不喜欢别人称他为性别歧视者。他认为他根本就不是那种人。Do falling objects gain momentum?下落物体的动量越来越大吗?Short sound waves bounce off even small objects.短声波即使遇到小物体也会产生回音。Today, we are passive objects who fear our surroundings, rather than active subjects who determine the future.今天,我们是畏惧环境的消极客体,而不是决定未来的积极主体。They decorated their walls with a montage of personal objects.他们用个人物品拼凑的混合画装饰墙壁。There was a kind of totemic feeling about the objects.对那些物件存在一种图腾崇拜的感情。There were various objects on the table.桌上有各色各样物件。Freud explained the significance of some of the objects and situations in Anna's dream.弗洛伊德解释了安娜梦见的一些物品和情景的含义。He had belief in tables and chairs existing as public objects independently of his sense impressions of them.他相信桌子椅子是独立于他感觉印象而存在的物质性客体。The amendment prohibits obscene or indecent materials which denigrate the objects or beliefs of a particular religion.该修正案对贬损某一宗教教物或信仰的淫秽或不雅内容予以禁止。The most unlikely objects found their way into his designs.那些最不可能的东西出现在他的设计中。Brightly colored objects pique a baby's interest.颜色鲜艳的东西会引起婴儿的兴趣。These objects are very old and should be treated with great delicacy.这些物件很旧了,处理起来要非常小心。Workers scrambled to carry priceless objects out of harm's way.工人们争先恐后地将价值连城的物品运到安全的地方。I don't know the names of the objects in this lab.我不知道这个实验室里物件的名称。Noland makes sculptures out of everyday objects.诺兰的雕刻以日常的一些东西为题材。They transported the heavier objects on wooden rollers.他们利用木头脚轮运送重物。At this age, children are still unable to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects.这个年龄的儿童还不能分辨有生命和无生命的物体。Small kitchen objects were disappearing with increasing regularity.厨房里的小物件经常不翼而飞,而且次数愈发频繁。Zanuso was famed for the style he brought to such everyday objects as bathroom scales and televisions.扎努索因其对浴室秤、电视等日常物品的设计风格而享有盛名。Avoid bending at the waist when lifting heavy objects.搬起重物时不要弯腰。Rebecca objects to being told what to do.丽贝卡不喜欢别人盼咐她做这做那。Start by photographing inanimate objects and move on to people later.先从拍摄静物开始,之后再转向人物。Put breakable objects out of the reach of children.把容易打碎的东西放在小孩拿不到的地方。The device works by bouncing sound waves off objects and measuring the time it takes for the sound to return.这个装置的工作原理是让声波碰到物体反弹,然后测定声音返回所需的时间。All requests for the return of the objects have been met with a blank refusal.所有归还物品的要求都遭到了断然拒绝。Even the most harmless objects are twisted into monstrous shapes.即使是最无害的物体也被扭曲得奇形怪状。The right side of the brain deals with spatial relations between objects.大脑右侧负责处理物体之间的空间关系。Scientists use several methods to deduce the age of ancient objects.科学家们使用几种方法推断古物的年代。Hot objects emit infrared radiation.热物体发出红外辐射。He objects to the indiscriminate use of pesticides.他反对滥用杀虫剂。The sculpture is made from objects he found on beaches in Mexico.这件雕塑是用他在墨西哥海滩上找到的物件做成的。To avoid back problems, always bend your knees when you lift heavy objects.为防止背部的毛病,提起重物的时候一定要曲膝。With this state-of-the-art 3-D printer you can turn your ideas into real objects.有了这台当今最先进的三维打印机,你可以将想法转变为实在的物体。There is difficulty in establishing the authorship of these early, medieval objects.确定这些中世纪早期文物的制作者有困难。The objects moved in synchrony with each other. 两个物体同步移动。The objects were lying about on the grass.东西乱七八糟地扔在草地上。




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