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词汇 obedience
例句 Isabella had been taught unquestioning obedience.伊莎贝拉被要求无条件服从。The owner showed no inclination to send the dogs to obedience training.该主人没有表现出把狗送去接受忠诚训练的任何倾向。Everything swayed and veered in obedience to the gait of the train.一切随着火车的摇晃而左右摆动着。As a monk, he took vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience.作为一名僧侣,他发誓禁色、安贫、顺从。He demands absolute obedience from his men.他要求下属绝对服从。People are forced to give unquestioned obedience to authority.人们被迫绝对服从权威。With blind obedience, I allowed my father to organize my life.我对父亲盲目地顺从,听凭他来安排我的生活。Like all tyrannical leaders, he demanded unquestioning obedience from his followers.像所有独裁者一样,他要求他的追随者绝对服从。A timid child, Isabella had learned obedience at an early age.伊莎贝拉是一个羞怯的孩子,很小就学会了顺从。All clergy owed obedience to their superior.所有神职人员都有服从长上的义务。He demanded obedience from his inferiors.他要求下级服从他。She acted in passive obedience to her boss's directions.她被动地遵照老板的指示行事。With blind obedience, I allowed Victor to organize my life.我盲目顺从,任由维克托来安排我的生活。Young children are expected to show obedience to their parents.小孩子应该服从父母。Students are expected to act in obedience to the rules of the school. 学生们应该遵守校规。The women's slavish obedience disgusted me.那些女人顺服得像奴隶,让我觉得恶心。The General demanded absolute obedience from his men.将军要求部下绝对服从。He lived in obedience to the church's teachings.他严格按照教规生活。Soldiers act in obedience to their officers.士兵听从军官的命令行动。He demands unquestioning obedience from his soldiers.他要求士兵们绝对服从。The officer expects complete obedience from his troops.这位军官要求部下绝对服从。Most children have a disposition towards obedience.大部分儿童都有服从的倾向。A monk makes vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.僧人发誓要安于贫困,严守贞洁,效忠佛祖。He did it in obedience to her wishes.他依从她的愿望做了这件事。The school demands total obedience from its pupils.这所学校要求学生绝对服从。He's been taking his dog to obedience classes/school/training.他一直带他的狗去上服从训练课。The slaves gave passive obedience to their master.奴隶们乖乖地服从他们的主人。He retained the post in the obedience of Avignon until his death.他一直保留着在阿维尼翁辖区的职位直至去世。Their father was authoritarian in the home, insisting on total obedience.他们的父亲在家里很专制,坚持要他们绝对服从。He demanded unquestioning obedience.他要求绝对的服从。The young monks took vows of chastity and obedience.年轻的和尚们宣誓禁欲,并遵守戒律。The people were expected to give their leader absolute obedience and loyalty.要求人民对领袖表示绝对的服从和忠诚。The time for blind obedience is over.盲目服从的时代已经过去。They command the respect and obedience of the armed forces.他们要求武装部队尊重上级,服从指挥。The slaves had to swear obedience to their masters.奴隶不得不发誓服从主人。




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