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词汇 援助
例句 The main fear was that both sides may seize upon a ceasefire and free food aid to rearm.最担心的是双方可能利用停火和无偿食品援助的机会重整军备。He scorned begging for help.他鄙视乞求援助The time has come to cut/sever the umbilical cord that keeps us dependent on foreign aid.现在到了该剪断脐带、结束我们依靠国外援助的时候了。Some donor countries have criticized the way in which their aid is being distributed.一些捐赠国家对援助物品的分配方法提出了批评。The plan offered long-term aid to war-torn Europe.该计划向饱受战争蹂躏的欧洲提供长期援助Help was immediately forthcoming.援助稍后即到。American aid played a major part in the country's economic recovery.美国的援助对该国的经济复苏起了重大作用。Japan has been reluctant to offer much aid to Russia.日本一直不愿意向俄罗斯提供太多的援助Aid to these countries is bound to run into billions of dollars in the long term.就长期而言,对这些国家的援助肯定会高达几十亿美元。We had a moral obligation to help.我们在道义上有援助的义务。They made an emotional plea for more aid to be sent.他们令人动容地请求人们送去更多的援助物资。Supporters have set up an appeal fund to help Peter fight the case.支持者设立了一个援助基金来帮助彼得打这场官司。America conventionally attaches a rider to Israeli aid, to the effect that it must not be used in the occupied territories.美国按照惯例在对以色列的援助中提出了附加条款,大意是该援助不能用于被占领地区。Western aid to Third World countries barely covers the interest on their loans.西方国家对第三世界国家的援助几乎不够他们支付贷款的利息。Apart from providing humanitarian aid, the UN is also supposed to enforce agreements.联合国除提供人道主义援助外,还应该力促协议的实施。He told the delegation that encampment of Renamo troops will not begin until the group gets its share of the aid.他告诉代表团,莫桑比克全国抵抗运动组织的部队在获得应有的援助前将不会扎营。People in the flooded areas are in need of direct assistance.洪水区的灾民需要直接的援助Western governments have offered aid.西方政府提供了援助Jacques Delors wants a system set up to channel funds to the poor countries.雅克·德洛尔希望建立一套体系,将资金专门用于援助贫穷的国家。The charity tonight launched its great crusade against homelessness.今晚这家慈善机构发起了援助无家可归者的大型活动。He urged donors to step up their efforts to send aid to Somalia.他敦促各捐赠方加快速度将援助物资送往索马里。Western aid may help but will not be a panacea.西方援助可能会有所帮助,但不是灵丹妙药。The stowaways are trying to raise the stakes by refusing to eat until they are given money and aid.偷渡者正试图通过绝食来使事态扩大,直到他们得到钱和援助为止。The Council controls the distribution of aid.委员会掌控着援助物资的发放。The UN was supposed to be getting aid to where it was most needed.联合国应该把援助送到最需要的地方。I am extremely grateful for the assistance your staff have provided.我万分感激贵方员工为我提供的援助Britain has already frozen its aid programme.英国已冻结了其援助项目。The British aid programme is small in scale.英国的援助项目规模不大。Longer-term assistance is given to countries with more intractable problems.为面临更多难题的国家提供更长期的援助We give aid to other countries with mixed motives.我们援助他国是出于多种原因。His country desperately needs Western aid to restore its ailing economy.他的国家急需西方援助以复苏其不景气的经济。They had the unwilling assistance of the local authority.他们得到了地方当局勉强给予的援助The government has now suspended humanitarian aid to the area.政府现已暂停对这一地区的人道主义援助State aid is less bountiful than it was before.国家提供的援助比以往减少了。The refugees are relying on promises of food and aid from the West.难民指望西方国家信守提供食品和援助的承诺。Injured dancers should always seek professional help.受伤的舞蹈演员总是应当寻求专业援助They are likely to respond positively to the President's request for aid.他们可能会对总统的援助要求作出积极回应。Help came from a wholly unexpected direction.援助来自一个完全没有预料到的地方。The U.S. has held out the carrot of more aid and investment.美国拿出提供更多援助和投资作为利诱。Several disadvantaged countries need immediate help.一些贫困国家急需援助




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