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词汇 swallowed
例句 The wave swallowed up the small vessel.海浪吞没了小船。She was still hiccuping from the egg she had swallowed whole.刚才一口吞下整个鸡蛋,她现在还在打嗝。She accidentally swallowed a glass bead.她不小心吞下了一颗玻璃珠。Weeds had swallowed up the garden.花园里杂草丛生。She swallowed a mouthful of the hot strong brew, and wiped her eyes.她喝了一口热浓茶,又擦了擦眼睛。The extra cash was soon swallowed up.这笔额外的钱很快就花光了。That was another myth swallowed whole by the Western media.那又是一则被西方传媒不加分辨照单全收的骗人鬼话。She swallowed back a tide of emotion.她强忍住了自己的激动情绪。The company has been telling lies for years, but local media has swallowed them whole.那家公司多年来一直在说谎,但当地的新闻界居然全盘相信了。We swallowed the chocolates in one gulp, licking our lips.我们一口吞下了巧克力,满意地咂着嘴。He swallowed his words, he gulped, he panted and slurred.他嘴里咕哝着,咽了一口唾沫,气喘吁吁的,还是语无伦次。He swallowed it whole.他整个吞了下去。The countryside is gradually being swallowed up by new developments.乡村地区正逐渐被新开发区吞噬。Damien swallowed his annoyance and forced himself to smile.达米恩抑制住自己的厌烦情绪,强颜欢笑。She swallowed down her breakfast in a hurry.她匆匆吞下了早饭。Tim swallowed nervously before replying.蒂姆在回答前紧张地咽了一下口水。He poured himself a brandy and swallowed it neat.他给自己倒了杯白兰地,未掺水喝了下去。He had swallowed so much sea water he wanted to vomit.他呛了这么多海水,所以想吐。She quickly swallowed the rest of her coffee.她迅速地咽下剩余的咖啡。We watched as he was swallowed up by the crowd. 我们看着他淹没在人海中。He said the machine had swallowed his card.他说那台取款机吞了他的卡。Many of the products that we have around our homes are harmful if swallowed.我们家里的许多物品如果吞食下去是对身体有害的。She was quickly swallowed up in the crowd.她很快消失在人群里。Food is swallowed by the action of the tongue.食物通过舌头吞咽下去。The people seem to have swallowed the government's promises hook, line, and sinker.人们似乎已全盘相信了政府的承诺。He swallowed the story hook, line, and sinker.他完完全全相信了那则报道。He swallowed his drink in one gulp.他把杯中的酒一饮而尽。The increase in travel costs swallowed up our pay increase.旅行费用的增加耗尽了我们的薪资增长。I threw a piece of meat to the dog and he swallowed it in one go.我给那狗扔了一块肉,它一口就吞了下去。I swallowed my pride and phoned him.我放下自尊给他打了电话。The frog swallowed the fly whole.青蛙把苍蝇整只吞了。He swallowed some type of poison.他吞食了某种毒药。It was vital that he swallowed the story about Juanita being in that motel room that night.关键是他对朱厄妮塔那晚住在那个汽车旅馆房间里一事毫不怀疑。The police say he swallowed a cyanide capsule to avoid arrest.警察说他为了逃避逮捕就吞了一颗氰化物胶囊。Taxes have swallowed up nearly half of my pay increase.我的加薪有近一半都被税收抵消了。I swallowed the chocolates in one gulp.我一口吞下了巧克力糖。She took a bite of the apple, chewed and swallowed.她咬了一口苹果,嚼了嚼咽了下去。Polly took a bite of the apple, chewed and swallowed.波利咬了一口苹果,嚼了嚼咽了下去。She accidentally swallowed the poison and death was instantaneous.她无意中吞下毒药,猝然死去。She swallowed her disappointment, saying, "That's OK, it doesn't matter."她抑制住自己的失望说:“没事,没关系。”




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