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词汇 nurses
例句 Many of the older patients are uncooperative and difficult for the nurses to handle.许多老年病人很不合作,护士很难应付他们。The committee will investigate ways of recruiting doctors and nurses for rural communities.该委员会将研究为农村社区招募医生、护士的方法。Some of the doctors are paid almost twice as much as the nurses.有些医生的薪水几乎是护士的一倍。A shortage of nurses led to the cancellation of surgery for some patients.护士人手不足导致一些病人的外科手术被取消。Hospital routines for nurses are very rigid.医院中护士的日常工作非常刻板。Her body was so weak that she had to be supported by two nurses.她身体太虚弱,得由两名护士搀扶。Nursing auxiliaries provide basic care, but are not qualified nurses.助理护士只提供基本护理,不具备护士资格。Untrained nurses are not allowed to treat patients who are seriously ill.未受正规训练的护士不允许去照顾重病患者。The miners came out on strike in support of the nurses.矿业工人举行罢工支持护士。There is a shortage of nurses and doctors in this area.这一地区医护人员紧缺。The nurses calmed the anxious patient with soothing words.护士们说了一些安慰的话,使那个焦灼的病人平静下来。Many of the nurses are dismayed that the management intends to make further service reductions.管理层打算进一步削减服务项目,许多护士对此忧心忡忡。The nurses were clustered together in the corridor, giggling about something.护士们聚集在走廊上,为着什么事情咯咯发笑。I am deeply indebted to all the doctors and nurses who treated me.我深深地感激所有救治我的医生和护士。We were instantly surrounded by three nurses and pressed back.我们立即被三个护士围住并被推了回去。My last boyfriend always found nurses’ uniforms a real turn-on.我上一个男友总是觉得护士服很容易让人产生性欲。Doctors' salaries have risen substantially, whereas nurses' pay has actually fallen.医生的工资已经大大提高,而护士的实际上却下降了。Though the country is poor, the doctors and nurses are qualified and competent.这个国家虽然贫穷,但其医护人员都是合格称职的。Doctors and nurses are now in plentiful supply. = There is now a plentiful supply of doctors and nurses.现在医生和护士都有大量人手。These nurses specialize in the care of the dying.这些护士专门从事临终关怀。The training that nurses get is woefully inadequate.护士所接受的培训严重不足。Dozens of doctors and nurses have been working day and night for weeks.很多医生和护士已经夜以继日地工作数周了。Sick prisoners in the camp were "cared for", in inverted commas, by guards, not nurses.拘留营里生病的犯人由警卫而不是护士负责所谓的“照料”。They will first send in trained nurses to evaluate the needs of the individual situation.他们首先会派一些训练有素的护士来评估每个病人的需求。Most doctors and nurses work under stressful conditions.大多数医生和护士承受着很大的工作压力。Richard was marshalling the doctors and nurses, showing them where to go.理查德正在召集医护人员,向他们说明去哪里。Doctors and nurses were run ragged during the recent flu epidemic.最近爆发的流感让医生和护士们忙得筋疲力尽。Skills shortages were such that many nurses were recruited overseas.技术人员的缺乏十分严重,许多护士只能从海外招聘。Health visitors and nurses were very judging and unkind to me when I was having my first child.在我怀第一个孩子期间,卫生访视员和护士对我非常挑剔且不友善。Community nurses are paid a mileage allowance.社区护士享有交通补贴。The result of the ballot showed that nurses were not in favour of a strike.投票表决的结果表明护士不赞同罢工。I have the greatest admiration for the nurses.我最钦佩护士。You can trust the Matron of this hospital to keep her nurses up to the mark.你可以相信这所医院的护士长会使护士们做好工作的。The nurses came out to wave Grandad goodbye.护士们出来跟爷爷挥手道别。Did you ever play doctors and nurses when you were small?你小时候玩过扮医生和护士的游戏吗?She never nurses a grievance or plans revenge.她从没有心存不满,也不打算报复。A lot of people think that nurses are badly-paid.许多人认为护士的报酬不高。The book is of particular relevance to student nurses.这本书是专门面向实习护士的。Several nurses working under the direction of this doctor have made complaints.这位医生手下的好几名护士都有抱怨。The Health Service needs more male nurses.公共医疗行业需要更多的男护士。




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